『9』 First day at U.A.

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My footsteps echoed through the empty hallways of U.A. as I was on the way to my classroom. I was even wearing the school uniform, which I wasn't used to at all. I didn't know how Shigaraki had organized this, but that didn't really matter to me anyways. My only job was to act my role to gain their trust and help kidnap that Bakugo kid.

My knees were slightly trembling, and my hands were shaking. I slowed down my steps in order to collect myself and took a deep breath as my hand rested over my heart, feeling my fast-paced pulse. In that moment, I also remembered the advice Dabi had given me. I shouldn't get attached to any of my classmates, because I was just here to betray them after all. The piercing stare of his sea-blue eyes that seemed to hold my attention in its tight grasp was still engraved into my memory , making me realize the importance of his advice.

Promptly, I snapped out of my thoughts as I arrived at the gigantic classroom door of class 1-A. Class had already started, so that's why I was alone in the halls. Muffled through the door I heard a deep, unmotivated voice. "You can come in now!"

I recognized the voice immediately as I knew it belong to the man I had just introduced myself to when I ran into him at the secretary's office when I got some paperwork.

His call was my signal to enter the classroom and introduce myself in front of the students. I slowly slid the door open and stepped inside with a warm smile plastered onto my features. Of course, I had to make a good first impression on them, so I had my act planned out. I stopped next to the teacher, Mr. Aizawa. At the League I had already analyzed the files we had about him, so I had at least some knowledge on his capabilities.

"Good morning! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! Nice to meet you all, I hope we will get along! I'll officially be joining this class next semester, but I insisted on getting to know you guys already, so that's why I'm joining you at the end of this semester!" I introduced myself in a sweet voice with lots of innocent giggles. Oddly my nervousness seemed to subside, even though it would have made sense for it to increase in this situation.

Focused, I examined their reactions. A boy with a black lightning bolt in his golden hair, if I remember correctly Denki Kaminari, whispered to no one in particular "Wow, she's really cute!"

A girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks quietly said, "She seems nice!" Good, it's positive.

I noticed a short, grape-headed guy wearing a perverted grin as he seemed to drool over my appearance. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore him. Though a cold shiver ran down my spine at the thought of possibly having to deal with him for the next several weeks I'll be here.

My eyes darted from person to person trying to locate Bakugo. Finally, I spotted him in a window seat not seeming to even pay attention. All he did was scoff and turn to the window looking outside. He'll be hard to crack.

But then I noticed something- or rather someone else. Behind the explosive blonde sat someone familiar, who stared at me with wide eyes. I totally forgot about him!

"(Y/N)?" the boy looked at me surprised.

Alright, I had to act surprised. "Oh? Izuku? I didn't know you were in this class. But now that I think about it, I should've known." I smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of my head as he mirrored my actions.

"You know each other?" A redhead, I think he was Eijiro Kirishima, asked.

"Yeah, we're something like cousins." I chuckled making the green-haired boy blush and break out in a nervous fit of muttering and stuttering as he tried to fight off all the questioning glances the others shot at him.

"Cousins? Something like?"

"Well, we're not actually related by blood, but I like to think of us as long-lost cousins. It's a long story." I cheerfully explained. Technically, I really do think of us as that, but he's from the part of my family that left me behind...

"Well, then-" The voice of the teacher interrupted our conversation. "If you know each other, why don't we seat (L/N) in front of you, so it will be easier for her to get used to everyone." He suggested in a monotone voice.

"Oh, but isn't he already sitting there! I don't want to cause any trouble!" I gestured to Bakugo, who was looking at his teacher seemingly pissed, while I acted all flattered.

"Don't worry! Bakugo can just move to the seat in front of his. Maybe he and Midoriya will stop fighting all the time too." He sighed.

Izuku looked nervous and embarrassed as I just continued my act. "O-okay, thank you very much!" I bowed down as the angry blonde shoved himself out of his seat to move to the other one, while mumbling insults. Quieter than I expected him to be today, honestly. I sat down on my new seat. The chair was still warm and the boy now sitting in front of me had stopped muttering by now.

"Fuck..." I mumbled in a disgusted tone, acting like no one was supposed to hear me, even though Bakugo was supposed to. I wanted to make him think that I was just acting friendly and sweet, which was true, but he was supposed to fall for my second act. I wanted to make him think I disliked Izuku, because from what I knew, he doesn't like him, so someone else who dislikes him will play nicely into his cards. Also, he'll probably find someone with a devious personality interesting, so my plan was perfect.

I only needed to check if it was working. Did he even hear me? Did he get what that single word was supposed to express? He doesn't have to get everything already, it'd be enough if I just raised suspicion...

A single chuckle and a smug grin on his face, which I had trouble seeing, because I sat behind him, told me he heard it. I internally smirked, not forgetting the role I had to play. So far everything went down smoothly, though I still had to think of something to tell my uncle. He would know things like my age or something, so this could be an issue... I wish I had known my uncle was a teacher here before accepting this mission...

          ――――    ❈    ――――        

I daydreamed away as I looked out the window. Now I knew why Bakugo liked this spot so much...Well, I didn't have to pay attention to the class, though I couldn't deny it was interesting to be in a real lesson again after years of not being in a classroom. But because I didn't necessarily have to pay attention, I rather used the time to sort out my thoughts and plans. Also, I still had to mentally prepare myself for lunch break. After all, they probably all wanted to talk to the new student.

And when you speak of the devil: the bell rang, indicating lunch break. I stood up putting on my fake smile again while I was at it.

"Hey, (L/N)! Would you like to join us to go to the cafeteria?" A girl with pink hair and skin cheerfully yelled over at me. She had a really unique appearance. The girl stood next to some of our classmates, mostly guys. Three of them together made the German flag with their vibrant hair colours.

"Aw, Mina! I thought we girls were going to do that together." A girl, I think Ochako Uraraka, whined to her friend.

"Sorry, Ochako. Gotta stay true to the BakuSquad!" she grinned and playfully stuck out her tongue.

BakuSquad? Like in Bakugo? Then surely, he -

"Sure! I'd love to!" I stated happily, not even giving myself the time to finish my thoughts.

I ran over to them, Bakugo following after me, as we made our way to the cafeteria. And turned out I was right. Bakugo was something like their leader.

"Wow! Bakugo isn't even complaining about our new member." Sero chuckled. And why could that be? I grinned to myself in success. Though on the other hand, he didn't seem particularly fond of me either. His reaction was neither negative nor positive. But from what I knew about him, that was a huge success already.

While we were sitting at our table, eating and chatting as I realized my classmates were actually really nice and welcoming, Izuku suddenly came running over to us.

"Oi, Deku! What do you w-" Bakugo attempted to complain angrily but was cut off by the other boy. "(Y/N), All Might wants to talk to you. He sent me to tell you." Oof- I knew he eventually would want to talk to me, but right during lunch break on my first day? That was quick.

Now all eyes were on me. They looked confused at All Might's request to talk to me and at the fact Deku and I weren't confused. Their expressions were actually hilarious.

I calmly stood up from my seat and smiled. "Okay, thanks for telling me!"

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