『20』 In love?

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Laughter erupted from my lips as I caught the ball we girls were passing around in a circle. "To me! To me!" Mina happily yelled as I passed the ball in her direction. I felt some of the boys glance our way with jealousy, because we girls could play and have fun while they were stuck with training. It's their fault for saying they wanted to use the pool for training purposes.

Deep down, I remembered that I should enjoy this moment of fun. It won't be long until this mission is at its end and this feeling of being a normal girl living a normal life will fade away. I will be back in my chaotic life as a newbie villain. I'll have to leave everything here at U.A. behind. The friends I made, the memories of happy moments with them. It will all be worthless.

At least that's what I know I should be thinking about, but another thought kept lingering in the back of my mind. I just couldn't get the situation from earlier today out of my head. What had gotten into Dabi? This was the first time he ever acted this way.

Goosebumps formed on my skin just thinking about it and a shiver ran down my spine. I just don't get it. He usually treated me like a little girl or his student. Sure, his teasing had a lot of variety, sometimes belittling me and sometimes still treating me as an equal, but this time... I feel like it was a whole different story...

"Watch out!" A choir of female voiced put an abrupt end to my train of thoughts as I felt a sudden impact straight in the face and then the sound of the ball splashing down into the water. I regained my composure after I comprehended what just happened.

"Omg, are you okay??" Mina hastily asked, but I couldn't help but hear the slight undertone of suppressed laughter in her voice. "I'm fine." I reassured her, trying to ignore her undertone and suppress an obvious irk mark. I was lucky that the ball had almost no actual weight to it, so it barely even hurt. "I was just startled for a second."

"Are you sure you're alright though? You've been zoning out a lot today. Is something bothering you?" Yao-Momo asked with genuine concern, reminding me how much of a mom friend she is.

My face warmed up at this as I internally debated on whether to give them a true but definitely vague answer about the Dabi situation, or if playing it off and not risking to leak any information whatsoever was a better idea. I mean, it would probably be nice to get the mess of thoughts and feelings off my chest. But on the other hand, even if I only mention Dabi vaguely to them, they will definitely try to find out more about him then and I can't risk that.

...why does he have to make me a mess...?

"IT'S LOVE!" Mina yelled suddenly, making me flinch and even let out a small yelp. Love...? While I wondered how she came to that conclusion, it dawned on me that I had most likely zoned out again while thinking about Dabi just a second ago and my face must have been flushed from embarrassment.

"It's totally Bakugo, right?" A deep but energetic voice beamed from beside me.

"Kiri?! Where did you come from?" I yelped in surprise.

"Oh! Totally!" Mina agreed with the redhead as they both ignored my question, and everyone paid no attention to the fact that the boy just popped up out of nowhere.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered overwhelmed by both the situation and the topic. "What do you mean?"

Meanwhile Yao-Momo ushered the other girl away, saying this is probably a private conversation. Some girls complained, whining about how they wanted to hear it, but they complied in the end.

"Oh, my little oblivious (Y/N)." Mina sighed in a motherly tone. Is it really me who's oblivious though?

"We're asking you if you like Bakugo!" Kiri answered my previous question.

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