Chapter 6

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Nico's POV

Sirens and lights flickered in the night, surrounding the destroyed building. The damage was so severe that the building was declared "unsafe". I leaned against the walls of an alley way, watching the scene unfold in front of me. 

We were too late and for that, we lost Percy again. Sally was just frightened and confused, she wouldn't talk to the police about what happened. Gabe was the only casualty.

Part of a pipe that had burst was lodged into his neck, killed him instantly.

"We need to take Sally with us back to camp" Annabeth broke the silence between us "It's not safe for her anymore, this had to have attracted unwanted attention" we instinctively surveyed our surrounding for any threats nearby, the air was cold just thinking about the threats that lay unseen.

"We need to get moving then" my eyes stayed fixed on Sally, she looked miserable but almost relieved when they paramedics brought Gabe out in a body bag. 

He wasn't a good person in my dreams, my gut told me he wasn't so great in person either.

"I'll go talk to her" Annabeth brushed past me. 

My focus went back towards the destroyed apartment complex, there was a lot of energy flowing from the room that Percy stayed in as if he was still up there. I extended my senses one last time to make sure he was really gone.

My focused turned to the duo walking towards me "Let's go, the sooner we leave this place the better chance we have at getting to camp without any issues" Annabeth worded it in a way as to not freak Sally out even more than she already was but we both knew what she meant. We were both on guard for any monsters in the area.

We quickly made our way to the van and piled inside. I climbed into the drivers seat and blasted hot air, it was freezing outside and we were all shivering. I started the van and slowly drove away from the damaged building, our eyes not leaving the scene until it was out of sight.

"Your name is Nico" It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

My eyes darted to the mirror and briefly made eye contact with Sally in the  backseat, Annabeth was beside her keeping her company. "Yeah, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier" I said as my eyes darted back to the road.

"You know my son, Percy" Another statement.

My lip twitched just barely into a smile "Yeah, I know Percy" My thoughts wandering to him again.

Annabeth broke the silence "Where is your son?" She asked gently. Her eyes darted to me with many questions in them.

"I don't know" She seemed lost in what to say. Her face portrayed heart break, like she didn't know exactly how to feel or what to say.

There wasn't anything me or Annabeth could do or say to make this better. We have lived with this knowledge our whole lives, it's all we have known since we were born. Attack, defend, destruction... It was a normal for us. It was a way of life for us, not necessarily good but not bad either. At least not to me.

I continued driving until we were out of the city, the light around us from the constantly lit city was behind us now and nothing but long roads ahead of us now. I glanced back to see Sally asleep and hunched uncomfortably in the seat.

Annabeth was staring at me. I knew what she was thinking but I didn't know how to explain my situation. "How do you know her son" I sighed "It's complicated" I mumbled. "Uncomplicate it!" My eyes snapped to her through the mirror and narrowed at her tone. Her glare turned towards the window as she slumped in her seat. 

"Do you know where he is" Her gaze was accusing. "If I did then we wouldn't be on this wild goose chase trying to find him!" I hissed silently. My grip on the wheel tightened as I focused harder on the road, my temper flaring at the accusations.

The wind was blowing like crazy outside, my grip on the wheel like steel to make sure the van isn't blown off the road. Tree branches littered the road ahead making me slow down to a safer speed, the storm was getting bad but hopefully we would reach camp before it got any worse. 

"I haven't met him in person before, I had a dream as if I knew him for a while, I feel as if I do know him and have spent time with him. With his powers coming into play in his life now, I wasn't surprised by what happened today. From what I know, that man wasn't a good person, Percy hasn't had an easy life" My words were soft as I imagined it all in my head, every scenario and situation that I thought I was part of was going through my head.

"Percy? That's the name?" Annabeth had a thoughtful look on her face. "I recognize his name from somewhere" She pulled out a laptop from her bag and started typing fast with a quizzical look on her face.

My eyes darted from the laptop to the surrounding woods on the side of the road "Are you sure that's such a good idea-" "I'll only be just a second" she quickly cut me off.

After a few silent moments she finally spoke up "Well, our son of Poseidon has a record, that's for sure. It seems every school he has been to there has been some freak accidents, it looks like he has had encounters with some monsters in the past picking up his scent but he never has stayed in one place for too long." The laptop clicked shut and was quickly placed back in her bag.

"The worst monster he has had to deal with has a piece of pipe sticking out of his neck right now" My words left a chilled silence in the air. We didn't speak another word for the rest of the ride back to camp. It was unusual for us to make such an easy trip like this. I've seen glimpses of monsters while driving back to camp but none attacked. That put me on edge more than it would if they had attacked.


I was standing in front of the fire place at the big house, my back was to the rest of the room and my arms were folded across my chest, eyes were closed. I was searching for him, and since I had a good read on what Sally's soul was like, it should make finding Percy a lot easier. I could always tell when people were related but only if they were direct family, the souls aura would be similar.

I had been searching for a while, I didn't expect it to be easy, stuff like this never was. 

My eyes open tiredly to the sound of hooves approaching, I turn and face Chiron "Anything?" His tail swishes back and forth nervously. I'm sure Zeus is giving him a hard time about finding Poseidon's son. Apparently Poseidon won't say a word about the whereabouts of his son, won't even visit Olympus when a meeting is called.

"Nothing, it's like he's disappeared. His energy surge still lingers at his apartment but he's not there. It's like he just disappeared, almost like his powers are being used up at once and needs time to regenerate. It's frustrating." I mumble the last part to myself. "Do you have any idea why that would be the case?" I looked to Chiron for a little guidance, I was drowning in questions that I wasn't sure had answers to find. He had a puzzled look on his face "I've never heard of something like that happening to a demigod, especially one of the big three."

I hung my head and squeezed my eyes closed, I felt a headache coming from being awake so long "I'm gonna take a nap" I was frustrated with all the complications that was following this quest. I marched out the door, the cool air rushing past my face, I glanced towards the beach to see the waves crashing harder than normal up unto the shore. Poseidon didn't seem to be in the best of moods.

Okay, sorry it takes forever to update, I'm just trying to figure out what to do in the next scene right now, any ideas? Please leave comments and likes! And don't forget to vote please.

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