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He wasn't exactly sure where he was. After leaving Snow, the wolf ended up roaming, lost in his own thoughts and letting his feet take him wherever.

"Gaffer, help!"

The scream snapped him from his thoughts and he stood still, listening until he heard the distant cry again, finding its direction.

"I'm coming, Snow!" He calls in response though no one could hear, turning heel and starting off only to be frozen in his tracks by a voice.

"Well, if it isn't you. And where are you going?"

Gaffer felt knots in the pit of his stomach as he turned to see the Emperor standing with crossed arms by a pair of boulders. Just the snap of his fingers, and the Emperor could have him hanging over the bog.

"Uh, well, the little lady gave me the slip, but I hear her now, so I was about to lead her back to the beginning like you told me."

He could feel his excuse radiating bullshit, but what else could he say? He could smell the bog from here and feel the Emperor's readiness to send him there.

"I see. For one moment, I thought you were running to help her. But, uh, no, not after my warnings. That would be 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑."

"You bet it would! Me? Help her? After 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 warnings?" He laughs though it was strained and there was no humor to be found in it. "So I'll just be off then to take the little lady back to the beginning of the labyrinth." He was trying to get out of this, get away, but the hand that flew up froze Gaffer.

"Wait! I've got a much better plan. Give her this." Turning the hand toward himself, a clear ball appeared in it, held up by the fingers like a pedestal.

Caramel eyes narrowed at the object, the hairs on the back of the wolf's neck standing up, "W-what is it?"

"It's a present." The Emperor snaps.

The words came out before the wolf could stop them, could even register them in his mind, "Will it hurt her?"

A brow arched over shrewd eyes as the Emperor looked Gaffer over, "Now, why the concern?"

The wolf's eyes moved to the Emperor with a resolute firmness in them, echoing the tone, "I won't harm her."

This did not seem to sit well with the Emperor, whose eyes lit with an anger at being challenged, "Come, Gaffbrain! I'm surprised at you, losing your head over a girl."

"I ain't lost my head." He growls in response.

"You don't think a young woman could like a repulsive little beast like you, do you?"

The words hit him hard, as the truth often did. He was a beast, a monster. What did he have to offer?

"Well, she said we was—"

"What? Bosom companions? Friends?" He mocked, laughing at the very idea.

It was a silly idea. There has been a reason he has never had friends. Why would this woman be any different in any way?

"It doesn't fucking matter. . ." He mutters, hanging his head. It seemed to satisfy the Emperor enough to see the wolf beaten back down into place.

"You'll give her that, Gaffer, or I'll tip you straight into the bog of Eternal Stench!" With his eyes still downcast, he took the ball and pocketed it without another glance, giving an agreeing nod. "And, Gaffer, if she ever kisses you—" the wolf's head lifts at the very mention. Kiss him? Why would a woman like her do a thing like that? The knots in his stomach gave a flutter at the very notion, but soon tightened as the Emperor continued. "I'll turn you into a prince."

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