Chapter 7

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Kanda's P.O.V

        It's been several months since the mission that I had gone on and all was well until a few weeks ago.  For two weeks, I had a sick feeling in the stomach and I tried all sorts of remedies to ease the feeling, but nothing work.  I lost sleep over this feeling and my health started to deteriorate.  Suddenly, one day, the feeling went away the day we received a new member of the Order early this morning.  The new member was a female with long curly brown hair and blue eyes.  She was polite when introductions were made, but she seemed to be a bit sleazy.  She's been in the Order for only two hours, yet most of the men in the Order is trying to impress the lady and win her over.  I honestly find her annoying, which is why I ignore her.

        After a day, the woman has been making very flirtatious advances towards me, even when I tell her to go away or forcefully push her away when she follows me around.  I was getting tired of playing this woman's game and I needed somewhere to hide.  I couldn't figure out where to hide until it hit me.  I took a detour and took the long way to (Y/N)'s room to try and shake off the woman.  Still, the female continued to follow me and wolf-whistle at me.  "Kanda! It's so late~ Why not sleep with me tonight~"  She pleaded.  I ignored her request and practically threw myself into my childhood friend's room, locking the door behind me.  I sighed tiredly, leaning my back against the door.

        She turned around to face me from her desk, raising a brow and tilting her head.  "Yuu? Are you ok? You're never this tired. Come sit."  (Y/N) stood up from her seat and walked towards me, taking my hand and sitting me on her bed.  She sat back down at her desk to finish some paperwork.  "Why are you still here? Usually, you're in the training room around this time."  I shivered and laid back on the bed, crossing my arms over my chest.  "The new member has been following me around the HQ like a duckling following its mother."  He sighed.  "I didn't want her to know my whole schedule when I'm not on missions, so I walked around the entire HQ the entire day. She's very persistent."

        (Y/N) snorted and laughed at my issue, and as much as I didn't want to, I gave a small smile. Her laughs and giggles were so cute, so it was almost impossible not to at least smile.  "Well, it looks like you have a big fan, Yuu. Is she still outside?"  Almost on cue, there was a loud knock at the door.  "Kanda? I'm too scared to walk back to my room. Please, walk me back. Or can I sleep with you in your room? Pleeease?"  The woman's annoying voice pleaded from the other side of the door.  I groaned frustratedly and put my forearm over my eyes.  (Y/N) sighed tiredly and ran her hand through her (h/c) hair, then she tugged on the fabric of her shirt around her neck.  

        She always did that when she was about to ask something.  "Did you...did you wanna stay the night? So that you don't have to interact with the fangirl?" I didn't move my arm, so she couldn't see that I had turned bright red.  "Yeah..." I muttered.  After a few minutes, I got up, took off my coat hung it over the chair before returning to the bed.  (Y/N) was laying down already and she was just staring up at the ceiling.  I watched as she huffed and began to toss and turn when she closed her eyes.  It pained me to see her in such a state of distress.  I slid under the covers and sat next to her.  "What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

Your P.O.V

        I adjusted my position to face Kanda and smiled sadly.  "My most recent mission was in a town near our home. You know..."  Kanda visibly stiffened when I mentioned our village.   I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling again and tensed up as I heard echoey voices from my childhood.  "...Today was also my parents' wedding anniversary."  I mumbled as the images of both of my parents' faces flashed in my mind.  I remember the mornings when I was alone in my room and I woke up from a terrible nightmare, I would clutch the pillow in my arms and pretend that it was my mother.  I'd imagine her arms wrapping around me and comforting me.  

        That's too childish to do now, so now I must rely on breathing exercises to control the rate of my beating heart after nightmares.  Unconsciously, I gripped the sheets in my fists from the anxiety that began to suffocate me.  My breath hitched when I realized I was doing this, and I closed my eyes and sighed, beginning to do my breathing exercises to calm me down.  As my eyes remained closed, I heard Kanda shuffle closer to me and gently patted my shoulder.  "Come sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."  He assured me.  I nodded and opened my eyes, pulling my covers over my shoulders.  I turned on my side and reached out, hugging Kanda's waist snuggly.  I didn't know I had done this because I had already fallen fast asleep right when I wrapped my arms around him.

???'s P.O.V

        I kept pounding on the door, growing annoyed each moment my fist collided with the door.  growled and stormed back to my room, slamming the door closed when I entered the room.  I flopped down in the seat at my desk and pulled out a purple orb out of my satchel by my bed.  I double tapped my finger on the orb gently and watched as it glowed, then morphing into the image of Lord Millennium.  "Have you found the source of the Innocence, yet?" "No, my Lord, but I do have a lead on one of the exorcists here."  The Lord growled and shouted at me, "You must find it! Hurry up your search!"  And with that, his face disappeared and the orb lost its vibrant glow.  I groaned angrily and rubbed my temples to keep from punching a wall.  "This is going to be harder than I anticipated..."






Word Count: 1,070 

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