Chapter 10

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Narrator's P.O.V

        Ever since Kanda, Lenalee, and Cattia returned from their mission and (Y/N) turned up MIA.  The Exorcists have searched and searched for her, following any leads that they were given, but they always turned up false.  They've been doing for this for five months, meaning it's been five months since the disappearance of (Y/N).  During this time period of pointless searching, there was never a day that went by where Kanda didn't think about her.  Each time he thought about it, he died a little on the inside.  Two months in the search for (Y/N), Cattia up and left the Order without a word.  Kanda had found a letter on his bed the day she left, which basically said she "not meant to do this type of job."  Ever since Cattia left, that left no one he could confide in.  

        This was a situation that Kanda wasn't used to, and it made him sick to the stomach.  Most nights Kanda just sat on his bed, gazing numbly at the lotus that silently fell apart on his desk.  He'd tear up every now and again because of the amount of regret he was feeling.  Kanda was never able to tell (Y/N) how he really felt about her.  Kanda heaved a sigh and reached out to the encased lotus, brushing his fingertips against the glass solemnly.  He used to daydream about calling her his lotus and holding her until she fell asleep.  Now, a slow year had passed since the mission.  Since so much time has passed, it was becoming evident Kanda, slowly but surely, was losing himself.  

Two years...

          Four years...

                     Five years...  

        Five quiet years passed for the Black Order until the Noah family executed an attack.  Many Exorcists fought bravely against the Akumas, and special Exorcists fought off the members of the Noah family.  Allen slipped into an unconscious state where he fought Tyki Mikk with Lenalee by his side.  During this fight, Kanda was off by himself to search for the other members of the family.

Kanda's P.O.V

        I dove behind a couple of bushes, letting a group of Akumas trudge pass me.  "God, where are you, you damned, psycho Noahs."  I scowled lowly as I checked my surroundings from a crouched position.  Mere moments passed when footsteps approached my hiding spot.  I chuckled and readied Mugen, jumping out of my hiding spot eagerly.  Who stood ahead of me was shocking and yet, not surprising at the same exact time.  There stood Cattia, looking the same as five years ago.  This time, though, she bore the markings of the Noah family on her forehead.  She stared back at me blankly for a moment, grinning as the realization hit and raising her hands up slowly in defense.  

        "Ah, Yuu, dear, what a surprise! I haven't seen you in nearly five years. How's life treating ya?"  My grip tightened around Mugen as Cattia threw back her head and laugh maniacally.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing at you, but it looks like life hasn't been treating you well,"  I growled softly and charged angrily at her, slicing and cutting the after image she left behind.  I eventually cut her on the cheek, causing her to hold her cheek in surprise.  Cattia stared at me wide-eyed and turned around, bolting further into the woods.  As I ran after her, I could hear her giggles and sicking laughter echo throughout the trees.  "If it's a fight you want," Cattia called out mockingly, "Then it's a fight you'll get!"  She suddenly appeared right in front of me, using a melee attack to push me back a couple of feet.  

        Cattia used this time to pull out a pair of twin pistols and began to fire at me.  After I caught my footing, I nearly blocked the bullets with the blade of Mugen, causing them to ricochet back at her and tried to land a blow on her.  A few of my attacks landed but meant that I got injured in the process.  This went on and on, a neverending cycle.  Melee attack.  A head-on attack.  Firing.  Blocking.  

        Repeat.  It felt like it would turn into an eternal battle until we reached a cliff where I finally broke the cycle and successfully pinned her to the ground, straddling her and readied Mugen to be plunged into her chest.  I was ready to push my weapon into her blackened heart, but I hesitated.  I grit my teeth as I decided against putting in the final blow at that moment.  "You had something to do with the disappearance of (Y/N), don't you?"  Cattia coughed and gave me a smile so evil as she nodded slowly.  I growled angrily at the answer and finally stabbed her in the chest, having peace with knowing where to look for (Y/N).  Cattia coughed up blood and gurgled out her last words with the same smile on her face.  

        "You should've...been...watching"  As she took her last breath, a menacing, curved blade hooked around my neck.  I froze as I recognized the blade.  I slowly turned, my stomach sinking as I did.  I took in the sight of my long lost friend, my eyes widening.  Tears filled with relief and sadness tracked down my cheeks.  My beautiful lotus, (Y/N) stood over me, but in the form of a blood-thirsty Noah.






Word Count: 891

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