Chapter 3

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I held her limp body in my arms. Ekon my wolf was whimpering to come out and continue to lick her wounds.

They're healed. Nothing more we can do. I told him. If you hadn't lost control we wouldn't be feeling this way.

He growled back. He wasn't one for words he usually displayed his feeling by projecting images but he wasn't really feeling it.

I hate to say it but I feel the healer was right. Our little mate is a creature I've never come across. We must protect our secret. His head perked up at the word 'our'.

I couldn't stand the smell of her blood anymore. Picking her up and taking her to the tub I began to untie her night gown and in unwrap her bandages.

Her body was still badly bruised as I undid her bandages. She was so malnourished seeing almost all her ribs. Carefully moving her arms and putting the night gown rolled up behind her head. Beginning to pump the water from the well I check to make sure it wasn't ice cold to give her body a shock. It took about 5 buckets to fill the bath.

I scrubbed all the blood off her body and even washed her hair the best I could. Leaving the water a rusty orange.

I didn't notice until I laid her back in bed checking if she still needed bandages. I felt her right side for her broken ribs but they felt healed and her arm looked a little bit strong than before. I put on a new night gown and no new bandages.

How did she heal so quickly all of a sudden?

I started to receive flashes of our mark on her neck from Ekon.

We healed her with our mark?

I decided to lay down and get some rest before she woke up again. I tried laying beside her but I gave into the need to hold her close to me and pulled her body on top of me resting her head on my chest. Feeling content I drift to sleep.


I couldn't stop seeing those golden eyes in my mind. They were slightly comforting but well creepy.

I felt a warm feeling under me and something heavy wrapped around my back. Taking a deep breath I channeled my spirit and took a look down. I saw a couple looking peacefully sleeping. The girl laying on on his board naked chest while he held her with one arm around her back.

Wait that is my body and my attacker. It call came back to me reaching to my neck I felt nothing. I had never fell so fast into my body. Opening my eyes my first instinct was to begin screaming.

"HEEEEELLLP" I felt him spring up squeezing me with both arm. I felt him look around. A large hand went over my mouth. Looking up into his eyes I saw his frustration.

"I won't hurt you." He slowly pulled his hand away.

"You attacked me!! Almost killed me." I reached for my neck but instead of a wound there was a raised bite mark.

"Ekon is to blame. He couldn't resist our mate any longer." I watched as he got up from the bed noticing he only wore a tight pair of boxers. I blushed.

"Ekon? Mate? Our?" I held my pounding head. Was I in some strange fantasy. Maybe I did die.

He was dressed and circling the bed kneeling down to my side. "In all due time I will explain. Until then you must stay where I can feel your heartbeat." Taking my hand from my lap he kissed my palm. I couldn't help but caress his face watching him lean in. I felt my heart beat a bit faster and my hand tingle where his was.

He then left without another word.


Ever since I woke up I felt weak. I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it was the baby. Rubbing my stomach smiling down. I couldn't wait for Ry and I to be blessed I secretly hoped a girl but another boy would show strength in our blood line.

As I bathed Easton in the small metal tub the maids set up I caught a glance at my reflection specifically my mark and how faded it looked. Picking up the squirming toddler in a towel I walked closer. I was now a brownish yellow like a faded bruise instead of its dark brown almost black color it was yesterday.

"Ry" I called out into the mind link but all I heard was an echo in my own mind.


Authors Note

I decided to go ahead and introduce the Luna as well she isn't a character I see being displayed much unless I feel it add to the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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