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Just to make sure everyone understands, Peter Benjamin Parker is a literal Genius, and it doesn't help that he has wealthy, borderline rich, parents who adore him and want him to be the best that he possibly can. So when he is Four years old and he proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is a genius (they already had their suspicions) by making his own computer from broken parts, they do everything they can to further his education. For instance a year later at the age of Five when Peter started to show an interest in music they bought him the instrument of his choice, a piano, and got him a tutor as well, now at the age of 14 he is well versed in over 20 instruments. Later that year he started to show interest in art as well, mainly so his blue prints won't look like crap, so again they got him the tools needed and a tutor to teach him.

Then tragedy struck, at the young age of Six Peter Parker lost his loving parents, Mary and Richard Parker, in a plane crash. Leaving him in the loving care of his Aunt and Uncle May and Ben Parker. When they died The Parkers left everything to Peter their house in Queens, that May And Ben ended up moving into with Peter because they lived in a one bedroom apartment at the time. Their research, they were Head Scientist for a branch company of Stark Industries so they were both smart and rich. And all of their money which May and Ben refused to touch unless it was to do something for Peter, like buy him a new instrument or random text books and mechanical pieces that caught his eye, or they were making investments so the money would grow.

Now Peter being a genius he easily got bored in regular classes, but May and Ben didn't want him to be socially awkward so they made him a deal. That if he would stay with his age group he could take all the extra online and summer classes that he wanted. Most kids, heck most people, would've thought that was a stupid deal and never excepted, I mean come on more school! Who would want that? But Peter absolutely loved it. He thrived in learning situations. It also helps that all the girls in college thought he was absolutely adorable and wanted to be in as many classes as they could with him, and being the little gentleman that he is he gladly took on extra classes in the subjects they were majoring in, which was mainly Fashion.

So by the time that Peter was entering 5th grade he already had two Doctorates one in Music and one in Art, and as close to one in Fashion as was possible. A couple of years later when he was 11 he created his very first AI, because he was bored of all things, and wanted to do something like his Hero Tony Stark. As Peter got older he continued to further his education, and by the time he was entering High School he had managed to get two more Doctorates one in Engineering and the other in Computer Sciences, he was also working on a Fifth in Biochemistry.

In his Freshman year of High School he was scouted by both SI and OI during his school Science Fair. As a result he was taken on a tour of both companies, and during his tour of Oscorp Industries he was bitten by a radioactive spider which gave him super powers. Then Six months later his Uncle Ben was shot and killed right in front of him, a week later Spider-Man was born.

Peter Parker is a Literal Genius  Where stories live. Discover now