friends or more? pt2

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Todoroki and I giggled and laughed. Kacchan and kirishima looked confused. After we all walked up the street to my house kacchan and kirishima walked home,"is it ok is I stay with you tonight?" Todoroki asked,"y-yeah sure" i blushed.

I don't know what made me say yes but I was so nervous,"we... we'll sleep in the same bed tonight?" Todoroki suggested,"sure!" I couldn't say no for some reason. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes, his eyes, were beautiful. I smiled,"well should we watch a movie?". He picked a romance out of all of the genres why romance? There was a kissing scene I cringed on the inside,"I've never kissed before.."todoroki says,"midoria... will you kiss me?". I blush,"a-are you sure?"I asked in a panicked voice, he nodded. I didn't hesitate. His soft lips touched mine, I home and happy in his arms. He held his head close to mine. The kiss lasted for several minutes and he finally let go," I liked it... thank you midoria." He said. I like kissing him...I was sad that it had to end so soon,"I.... todoroki.","yeah." He answered,"I...I like kissing you."I muttered under my breath,"I want to kiss you again..."I blushed. He quickly holds me close to him and he kissed me again...but it was different this time... this time,we made out. I got a little carried away I guess.he pinned my arms on the bed. For his first time he was pretty good. I guess he realized what he was doing when his eyes got wider and his face turned red,"i-im sorry I wasn't thinking i-" I kissed him,"it's ok.. I.. actually enjoyed it".

The next morning at school was awkward. I went to go talk to kirishima,"and we kinda sorta kissed.."I looked at the ground,"oh my gawd! I knew it! We had only tried to prank you by telling todoroki to kiss your cheek but I had no idea he actually liked you!" Kirishima told me. I was very happy to hear
that he actually liked me,"so how about you and kacchan" I teased,"eehhhh..why would you ask a stupid question like that?"he looked away,"oh, really?" I said," then say 'daddy'" I teased again,"pfff.. fine" he looked at me,"daddy." He said loudly,"yeah babe, what's up?" Kacchan peeked around the corner," stupid question huh?" Kirishima blushed,"FUCKIN HELL BOKUGO!!"kirishima yelled,"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CALLED ME OVER HERE SO DO NOT GET MAD AT ME!"kacchan yelled back. I couldn't stop laughing it almost made me forget about todoroki. I looked over at todoroki. As I watched him read he looked at me... I blushed and waved. He started to walk towards me. I turned around only to something that almost killed me... Kacchan had kirishima on the wall. He stared at me with a surprised expression,"uuuuuuhhhhh..." He let go of kirishima and put his hands behind his back. I laughed so hard that I didn't even notice todoroki standing right behind me,"what's so funny?"todoroki asked. I jumped and fell back. LUCKILY todoroki caught me,"Uhm.. you scared m-me!" I quickly turned around,"I'm sorry." He said,"hehehe, dumbass.." we heard kacchan say,"w-we'll just leave then"I laughed nervously, todoroki and I giggled and walked back to my table,"so did you want to talk about anything?" I asked,"actually yes" he said. He took a deep breath and exhaled,"midoria... will you..... will you go out with m-"I hugged him tightly,"I thought you'd never ask!" I couldn't control myself and thus resulting in today.

Present day

It has always just been me todoroki, kirishima and kacchan... it's still just us. But now I'm... more involved with todoroki.


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