a cute way to say 'hello'

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Today is Friday..it is also the day I go to a really big party...all of my friends will be with me but im still nervous....ugh I hate being nervous!,"you worry too much,dude" kacchan says. I'm still nervous...not about the party but about todoroki... I haven't seen him all day,"have you seen todoroki today?" I ask kacchan,"ye,he was buying flowers and candy and some other shit...why?". I can't believe I forgot,"n-no reason." I smile as we wall to kirishima's house.. I get surprised when I see todoroki standing with kirishima,"hey dude!" Kirishima says. I see todoroki and I hold him tight,"happy anniversary."todoroki rests his head on mine. He picks me up and carries me inside,"t-todoroki!"I yell as kirishima and kacchan laugh. He puts me down and kisses my forehead,"ew, it smells like updawg in here!" Kirishima says,"what's updawg?" Kacchan asks. We all laughed so hard that we fell on the floor and I couldn't breathe! Kacchan didn't get it though but tbh it wasn't that funny I just laughed because of kirishima's face after  he 
made that joke,"well aren't you proud of yourself?"kacchan got it suddenly and he smiled,"aren't you a clever dumbass?" He tried hard not to luagh. As more people came through the door, I ate chocolate, cuddled a stuffed animal and enjoyed the smell of roses.
There are so many people now... I can only here loud music and can only see todoroki...I dance with todoroki after I eat most of the sweets. We go sit outside and talk. He leans back in my arms..and falls asleep.

                         TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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