Dream house + dream life (and own life and house)

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My house is a normal sized house as it's filled with lots of stuff. It has 3 bed rooms and we have an attic that is split in two. Down stairs we have the living room and the kitchen . Besides the furniture and rooms in the house we have different pets . We have cats,dogs,birds and fishes. They don't all have a name but I love them all no matter what even tho I don't see the fishes that much. In my dream house I wish it to have balcony's around 2 that would be fine. Further a few beautiful rooms with style as it would be different colours. The kitchen would be parted in 2 with a white counter and black cabinets that are high enough to reach easy. The living room wouldn't be all to big as I want it to be warm and close so when you are with family it would be really fun. Further the tv would be big enough for everyone to watch from it as a table is infront of it so there can be placed drinks or food. In the dinner room it would be nice to have a round table so you won't hit your head that hard. Besides that as life It would be fun to do things like sport the thing you like without it costing money or not that's much. As you do that of course school also will be in the way as you wish it wouldn't take so long but still have enough knowledge to do the job you like. You also would want to get enough money to do fun things and take care of yourself. Besides you want to spend time with friends or family as it isn't always possible. Still people try to do it when it's not possible. Of course it isn't always working but people will apologise for it sometimes and when it doesn't happen bad things can happen. Like war or just a small fight. Of course fighting is bad but it keeps continuing. It won't stop that's easy till one of them gives up. Good things stays good things as in my dreams I always remember good things. Even if some thoughts are bad they are still important. Helping friends when needed is your own decision but most people will be there for you or stab you in the back with a knife. Of course it isn't fun but it still happens. It belongs in life....if you want it or not. These are things that happen in real life and in your dream life. This was what I talk about in my mind almost everyday as it has big influence on me. There are things that keep me away from these thoughts like my friends or Anime or roleplay IF but even the smallest things can help. I hoped you liked this 'little' as I knew the limit of words but I couldn't stop well hoped you liked it again good bye.

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