Chapter 3

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After I hang up on Kylie, I fully expect her reaction, so when my voicemail shows up with a message from her, I just let it scream while I don't pay much attention to it. 

There's a knock at my door, probably one of the guys wondering what in the world all this screaming is about. 

"Jonah? You ok in there bro?" Corbyn asks, opening the door and looking at me with a confused expression. 

"Yeah. Kylie's just screaming at me again. You know, the normal." I say, laughing at how normal this actually is.

Corbyn automatically starts laughing. "She is one interesting chick, that's for sure. Good luck with her bro." Shaking his head and laughing, he leaves my room.

Still listing to the wonderful background music of screaming, I flip open the Harry Potter book I've been re-reading and slip into a Wizarding World of bliss.





I can't get her out of my head. I've only ever spoken to her once, and it was over FaceTime because she wanted a person to prove her right in an argument between her and Jonah. 

God, she's so pretty. And funny. She just seems so...perfect.

Corbyn, pull it together man.

Laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, I try to turn my attention to the newest Nike's I saw the other day, but it's impossible. My thoughts will always be stuck on a girl I have no chance with.


Fuming at Jonah, I don't realize the there are people staring at me as I continue the rest of my run.

Crap they must've heard me while I was yelling at Jonah. 

I keep my head up as I head back to my apartment, ignoring the stares, and push through until I get home. 

I walk into my apartment, sighing to myself about how frikin annoying Jonah is. I look up and seated on the couch is my best friend, Rheana.

"Omg Ree hi!!!" I squeal, and run over to give her a hug, but she pushes me away.

"Girl you just came back from a run. There is no way in hell I am going to hug you while you are all sweaty." She frowns at me and pushes me towards the bathroom. 

I roll my eyes at her as I walk into the hallway. "Let me get some new clothes first, then I'll take a shower Mom

"Of course sweetie! Have a good shower now!" She playfully winks and walks back to the couch, flipping on my brand new, 60 inch TV, and helping herself to some Hershey minis in my fridge. 

Laughing, I pick out a cute top with cross-cross cut sleeves, v-neck and a warm floral pattern over the white base of the shirt. I grab a pair of ripped jeans too. And head into the bathroom to shower.


I text Jonah, making sure our plan is in place. 

Messages: Rheana and Jonah 

R: Have you gotten her mad enough at you yet?

J: Do you really have doubts about me being able to irritate her?

J: Ofc I got her mad at me, it's one of my many talents 😉

R: You do want me to tell her right?

J: Yeah, you tell her

J: But I want to see her face when you do

J: Where is she rn?

R: Taking a shower. She just came back from her run

J: Ok then FaceTime me and act like we're just talking about whatever random stuff comes to mind then casually mention it to her at some point

R: You realize she is still mad at you and will prob kill me as well as you if she sees me talking to you 

J: Has she told you that she's mad at me yet?

R: No

R: So ig it might work

I press FaceTime and Jonah's arrogant face appears on my screen.


I change into my outfit and do my light brown hair in a quick loose braid trailing down my back after I blow drying it. 

I wander back into my living room to find Rheana talking and laughing with....Jonah?

"What the heck Rheana?" I say, coming up behind her. "He's being an ass to me and he won't tell me one stupid thing!" I get to the point where I'm virtually screaming, but not if you know what I mean. 

"Ky. Calm down girl. The only thing he did was-"

"You know what?" I interrupt her "I need some iced tea right now. We'll discuss this later." I grab my car keys, and stalk out the door, starting on my way to the nearest Caribou.

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