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"Hozdurin" (made it by myself)

"Sindarin" (internet)

"Khuzdul" (internet)



It had been a few weeks since the start of the quest and Beryl felt like an outsider to almost the whole company. True she had her father and uncle, but the rest of her companions hardly gave her any attention save for Bofur and Ori. Not to mention the overwhelming hatred and fear she felt towards herself, and that Thorin kept taking out his hatred on Beryl. She had also taken to wear a bandanna to cover her growing beard, because she felt deep shame of having a beard due to growing up in an environment where she was forced to hide what her father is. The rest of the company felt confused on why Beryl did so in the first place.

One night, when the company was sitting around the campfire, Bofur asked Beryl to sing something she either made herself or was made by Hobbits. "Alright then," Beryl said as she lowered her bandanna just enough for her mouth to show. "This song I made myself, I've never sang it in front of others," Beryl said and instructed Bofur, Fili and Kili on what sort of tune was needed. She took a breath as the trio started playing the song. 

Time is dead and gone
Show must go on
It's time for our act

They all scream at me
They cannot see
This curtain hides me

An amazing gift
So quick and swift
You were amazing

By myself I can't
They start to chant
Why are you not here?

Grinning at me
I lay on my knees
They want to hear me
Why can not 'he' see?

I want to see you
I need to see you
I have to see you
What happened to you?

We get up on stage
They jump to enrage
Why are you not here?
Why is 'he' so near?

'He' wants me to sing
I just can not bring-
I say 'he's' not you
What else can I do?

Singing it's silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in it's own Nightmare
'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea
Why did she have to leave it all alone?

Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us, It despises us
Lying so useless, we start to holler
"Hey, get up you worthless Circus Monster!"

I lay all alone
I should have known
You would have left me

'He' smiles at me
I can not see
Why 'he's' in your place

They can't tell me why
You said good-bye
Right before our act

Those two young lions
Were always fun~
Why did they leave, too?

Roaring at me
I lay on my knees
What is happening?
I can hear you sing

They will not obey
They've been lead astray
Will I still see you?
I have to see you

I panic and flee
They both pounce on me
I fell to the ground
I can't hear a sound

I look up and see
You are not with me
Am I all alone?
Where could you have gone?

Singing it's silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in it's own Nightmare
'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea
Why did she have to leave it all alone?

Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us, it despises us
Lying so useless, We start to holler
"Hey, get up you worthless Circus Monster!"

Singing it's silent song of misery
A monster lies trapped in it's own Nightmare
'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea
Why did she have to leave it all alone?

Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster
It never sees us,It despises us
Lying so useless, we start to holler
"Hey, get up you worthless Circus Monster!"

Singing my silent song of misery

This monster lies trapped in my own Nightmare

'He' is a tyrant, I let out a plea

Why did you have to leave me all alone?

Bound to sing for them, a worthless monster
I never see them, I despise them so
Lying so useless, they start to holler
"Hey, get up you worthless Circus Monster!"

Beryl shed tears as she sung the emotional song from her heart, which told a story of Beryl herself and how she viewed herself as a monster. "Oh, Beryl," Balin trailed off sadly. "Why would you think of yourself like that?" Kili asked, shocked at Beryl's song. "Because I am a freak of nature by the Hozdur standards. Not enough Hobbit and too much of another kind, I'm only 35% Hobbit and the rest of me is from another race," Beryl said. "What race?" Fili asked. "I-i'm, um," Beryl stuttered and looked at her family for permission. Dwalin approached Beryl and took out a bead that was hidden in her hair and showed it to the others. "I'm Beryl's biological father," he said simply. "WHAT?!?" Bofur exclaimed in shock. "But- wouldn't that make ye only half-dwarf?" Ori asked. "My great great great Grandfather from my mother's side was half-dwarf himself, I inherited 15% from mada and the rest from dana," Beryl answered. "We're sorry from hiding this from ye all," Balin said quietly. "It was for m'daughter's safety and I only found out about her when we first met her at her smial," Dwalin said. 

"Jewel.. Ye need not wear that bandanna, all dwarrowdams have beards. Ye're not living in yer amad's society anymore," Dwalin said. Hesitantly, Beryl reached up to the bandanna and slowly pulled it down to reveal a short caramel brown beard that had no doubt grown during the journey. The others were too shocked to say anything. "I'm a monster. I know!" Beryl cried out as she stood up quickly and ran into the forest, only to be stopped by Bofur. "Calm down lassie. We don't think ye're a monster, we were just shocked at how beautiful yer beard is and how well it fits ye. Ye're beautiful dwarrowdam, Beryl," he said. Beryl blushed as she stopped struggling. "It's okay, ye're safe with us," Bofur whispered as he smiled at Beryl lovingly. Beryl looked into Bofur's eyes for any hint of lies and then smiled hesitantly.

Bofur guided Beryl back to the campfire, and both of them sat down. Beryl looked down with a red hue staining her cheeks. "I'm sorry," Beryl mumbled. "It's not your fault, you're used to a society what looked down upon women like you, Beryl. It's not your fault you had to hide your heritage. It's not your fault your mother's race looked down upon marriages between different races, nothing is your fault," Gandalf said. "But I'm a monster, Tharkén!" Beryl exclaimed. "NO! Ye're no monster, ye're a lass to be cherished," Bofur exclaimed. A blush covered Beryl's face, highlighting the dust of freckles on her nose and cheeks. "R-really?" Beryl stuttered. "Really," Bofur smiled.

~~To be continued~~

The song Beryl sang is called Circus Monster and it's not mine.

It should be fairly obvious why I chose that particular song, if you read the lyrics carefully and apply symbolism into it.

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