Chapter 19: Blood In The Water

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Being separated from your loved one in a time of crisis was bad enough. Being separated while also having the ability to internalize every feeling the other person had, was something akin to torture.

Toni was searching for the entrance to the tunnels that lead into Ascension. She felt every flash of anger and guilt from Cheryl, all with Sweet Pea at her side, entirely unaware.

To say it was a distraction to possess feelings that aren't your own, was the understatement to trump them all.

Nonetheless, Toni found the entrance, and Sweet Pea sprang into action. He pulled out several tools and made quick work of breaking the lock securing the grate.

"Ready to kick some ass?" He asked with a grin.

"Let's hope it's that simple." Toni replied.

With a boost, Toni was able to clamour her way into the narrow tunnel, Sweet Pea following with a huff.

Army crawling through the tunnel, both former Serpents clutched a flashlight in one hand, and a coated blade in the other.

It was easier for Toni to squeeze her tiny frame through, but Sweet Pea struggled until they abruptly landed in a larger chamber, several tunnel options before them.

Sweet Pea shined a light into each tunnel before beginning to ask, "Which one do you think..."

A wet, gritty growl interrupted his question. The noise came from behind Toni, who turned around just in time to lift her blade.

The surprised ghoulie ran forward with no hesitation, allowing her to shove the blade through it's eye socket. She twisted the blade with a satisfying crunch and watched the creature collapse into the shallow water at her feet.

"What the hell is that thing doing down here?" She asked.

"Well if it were me, and I didn't want people sneaking into my place, I would put a few hungry ghoulies down here for security. Hypothetically, of course."

"But..." Toni sighed and kicked her boot through the murky water. "Why have hungry ghoulies down here? Ghoulies in withdrawal only live a few days if they don't eat, that's why they get so desperate at the end."

"I'm guessing Hiram was counting on that desperation."

"It's safe to assume he knows we are here. Let's just push forward. Hopefully he isn't as smart as he thinks he is."

Sweet Pea nodded and raised his blade to point at another tunnel.

With another boost, Toni took the lead and criss crossed her way through the tunnels, getting more soaked the further she went.

Occasionally, Toni would feel Cheryl's nerves or anger. The two emotions blurred in a way that made an entirely new feeling, unrecognizable to anyone except the two of them.

Toni had her mission, and Cheryl had hers. So she pushed through, taking out several more ghoulies with Sweet Pea's help.

Arriving in the final chamber, they saw light through the grate above them, and knew they were on Ascension's grounds. Though, a cacophony of growls and snarls informed them they were surrounded by ghoulies.

Just as Toni took out the first ghoulie, with a blade to the temple, another one grabbed her by the boot and dragged her down.

Her mouth filled with filthy water, and her eyes shut as they began to burn, but instinct kicked in. She swung her feet around, splashing through the water until she made contact with the shins of a ghoulie.

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