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she started to talk fast"fine my name is teanna I know your names because I need your help now hurry I will answer more questions when we get in" Eli puts chloe down and we get in. there were 4 bunk beds,5 seats that could spin but stuck to the ground, a window that covered the whole front of view, a fridge that you can just type in what want and it will be warm and cooked. we all got in a seat me and chloe in the mid seat eli behind chloe and devin behind me. And teanna in the front and center. She was pressing letter and picture on the window and then the orb lifted off the ground.

it shot out forward and we were in space or it was like space the stars were blue and green and the empty space was like a purple.

"what do you need out help with" chloe said

"you will see" teanna answered. Eli and Devin were amazed by the sight.

"Why exactly us and no one else in the school? We are not exactly the most well known kids" I said and the others just nodded. Teanna put it on autopilot then turned around and looked at us.

"Because you are different. We don't need normal every day groups for our proj-"she stopped and thot then she look at each of us as she talked about that person."Chloe you maybe short and not really fast but your genius Eli"she looked at him. "you may not be the smartest but you are good at anything athletic you can lived over 190 pounds you can run super fast and you throw all over a whole football field." then she looked at devin."Devin you are a great reader you know every type of book, and somehow you are also a great athlete. and Liz." I got tense because I knew I was not as special as the others they were amazing but me...I was just the one normal kid in the group.She passed for a while then looked ahead"it's getting late you four better go to bed" so I got up and laid in a bed with chloe because teanna needed a place to sleep and we still didn't trust her. Eli even though I could take care of myself but he still slept above us. But Devin slept above teanna. When we woke up we were in another world or so we thought . And Teanna was gone.

"I knew we could not trust her-" Devin said he did not finish because a message and on it was teanna, her hair was in a perfect bun on top for her head and she Had on a white tank top, a white leather jacket, white skirt, and white tall leather boots.

"I am sorry you guys but the found us, I do not have much time so hear is what you need to know "she took a deep breath." there are people in this world to are after kids like you for...... They are the Republic. You see this world was once like your. Until one fateful night when Satan defied God. He somehow found away around his punishment and he sent walkers in to our world. I'm not talking like zombies I mean vampires kind of thing."the video showed a short video of a woman next to a man her face by his neck she looked up at the camera and hissed with blood on her face and her eyes were a super bright blue she had to fangs as well the cameraman got a taken.Then Teanna started talking again." But there is a way to turn them human again the republic believes that it is one of you kids yes there are other. and we saved them too. You musts survival this place you're in" in the video Teanna looked around scared when we heard a voice behind her." kids it's up to you. Please now be safe and remember don't trust anyone if you get out." then there was a gunshot and she ended the video.

I looked around and everyone then the looked at each other. We filed our backpacks full of food and each of us had a first aid kit. I pocket my pocket knife. We then put the bags on, lined up Eli next to me Chloe on the other side then next to Chloe, Devin. We looked at each other then locked our arms together,looked at each other and walked to the door together at the same time. When we got to the doorway we got sprayed with some kind of clear spray it made us forget everything except one another and Teanna. It made it hard to breath for a little bit. And then it knocked us out. When i woke up in a really poorly made building made out of sticks and logs. The bed was hammocks and we were in different rooms. "LIZ LIZ WHERE ARE YOU!" I heard Eli yelling.

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