Chapter 1: part 1

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Today is JMfoxgame 1 birthday today, it's 7:45 pm at house and her friends have gotten her something that was surprised  to her. plus they all live in the same house together.

"Okay JM open up ya gift!" said Ag don't know, JM open it up and, it was a new doll from Chucky factory of brend new version of of a girl but different style, "umm..." JMfoxgame 1 said, "look i know it's stupid to give you this that the chuky one was out of contol by, well you know that he killed some people, well actually a lot but this one isn't evil" Tulip said then she mumble "I hope so",  "but since you been sad we use our money to get this for you to cheer you up." Slade said, JMfoxgame 1 smiled and said,

"thanks guys, you guys are really awesome friends" she said the she open the box from the top and place the robot doll on the table and connected to the sever (or wifi) "she is now connected" said the voice on the phone.

The robot doll turn on and started to open her eyes having her eyes glitcheing into red for a sec then back to normal, her eyes had one bright brown and bright blue too, "aww look at her, she's a cute one," Crangle said, "hi there, are you my best buddi?" said the robot doll said as she close her eyes and open them up, "I guess I am," JMfoxgame 1 said smiling,

"what's your name" the robot said in robot tone, "I'm JM, nice to meet you." "hello JM nice to meet you" the robot doll said, they laughed, "no it's just JM," JMfoxgame 1 said, the robot doll scanned JMfoxgame 1, looks around and looks back at JM, "what's my name?" the robot doll asked, JMfoxgame 1 and the others looked at each other and nodded, 

they said it the same time but different names they had though-ted "wait what???" they all said, "Lilly name is already taken by a lot of girl," AG said, "so is Annabelle, there's even a horror movie of a doll who soul is name Annabelle"  Crangle said, "okay guys let just agree on one thing that we all like," Slade said trying to calm them down before they starts to go out of control on JMfoxgame 1 birthday, "guys how about Elise?" said JMfoxgame (JM),

"actually that's a good name," AG agree, and the others nodded. they all looked back to the robot doll, JMfoxgame 1 bent down and said, "your name is Elise," she said as she smiled, Elise smile and said, "Elise, I like that name,"

"Hey guys, get ready to go to bed it's almost 8:00 pm, said Rose lets play as she brushes her teethes, They started to eat the cake, and as they were done, JM bullies were at their yard and said some hateful words, "nerd!" as they ran away, "when will they just stop and leave us alone?" AG said as she had her like -_- face, 

"c'mon Elise, wait do ya want to hold my hand or want me to carry you?" JM asked Elise the robot doll, "hold your hand," she answered as she held her tiny hand up, JMfoxgame 1 grab Elise's hand and started to walk, "man those bullies are a$$ holes," JM said as she had her face tired, "a$$ holes," Elise said, JM had her eyes wide open and look at Elise "wait, you're allowed to say that?? .....Cool"  JMfoxgame 1 said, 

She got change into Pj's and put Elise on the desk,  she get ready to sleep until Elise asked JM a question, "don't you want to sing a song before we go to bed?" "umm...  sure," JMfoxgame 1 said as she rubs her eyes smiling, they started to sing together, "You are my Buddi, Until the end More than a Buddi, You're my best friend" they sing as JM get sleepy and lay back still sing with her,

"I love you more than you'll ever know... I will never let you go... I am your Buddi, Until the end More than a Buddi, I'm your best friend" Then JM started to drift off to sleep then Elise started to whisper so she wouldn't wake her up "When you feel lonely, and you start to cry... I am always by your side..."

She blinks when she was done singing, she smiles as it all went dark showing Elise's growing eyes, slowly faded away into the dark.

The next day JM wakes up and looks at the clocks for a 10 sec she didn't say anying but then she realize it was almost late for school,

"CRAP! GUYS WAKE UP WE"RE ALMOST LATE FOR SCHOOOOOLLL!!!!" JM yelled as she runs down the hallway where the others rooms are, they all started and get up quickly and started to get ready, "HOW ON EARTH DID THIS HAPPEN??? WHO TURN WAS IT TO WAKE UP ALL OF US?!?!" Tulip yelled as she get on her clothes, Crangle had realize it was his turn to do it as he brushes his teethes, "umm, it was my turn to do it, sorry guys," Crangle said with worried face as if he's getting his butt kicked,

Everyone got their breakfast and started to run, "Bye Elise, we'll be back for an hour" Jm said as she run and closed the front door behind her, Elise standed there looks around, her eyes were glowing, then Tulip's Dog came out from sleeping eating his dog food, Elise looks at Tulip's dog then looks back at the front door, she slide around and started to walk

"I'm gonna make JM some cookies" she said in robot tone smiling, she pushed the chair to the island of the kitchen, she grab some chocolate chip cookie dough, and baking sheet, she got on the chair and started to wait for them to be not that hard yet, she drops down and get on the counter and get the oven ready, she waits for it to get ready.

Hour pass by then she started to turn dough into round balls and is put them on the pan sheet and put it in the oven, hours pass just in time for the others to get home and take out the cookies from the oven, "Hi JM and others! I made some cookies" she said just as she about the grab the pan sheet with something to wear it for her tiny hands,

"wait Elise you're not wearing-!" JM yelled as she run toward her but Elise already got her hand brunt, "what's this?"

Elise asked, "that burnt mark on your hand, you were supposed to wear something safety for you hands," JM answered her as she grabed the sterile roller Bandage, and started to raped it around them, "safety?" Elise question herself as she blinks and tilled her head,

"Yeah... Safety, you don't have a program for safety?" JM asked, "hmm, interesting..." IM said as she is done raping up Elise's tiny hands, "yep" Elise had her head up smiling, "wow, maybe you're different from the other robot dolls, that would mean you're special" JM smiled at her so did Elise, "thank you, JM"

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