Chapter 1: part 2

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They watched some movie, right now they were watching about "Growns Up 2" JM was watching her gut out so did the others, Elise was sitting next to her and saw some of acts of funny stuff where one of them got his foot stuff on the hanging pool thing and got hit on the Wall and brakes his bones,

That when they all watched so bad, Elise looked at JM and see her smiling and laughing, Elise looked back at the TV and learn more stuff that she can hurt herself to make JM happy or to someone.

Elise got off the couch and started to walked towards JM rooms until she heard something inside her head, it was voice of it before, it was telling her where to go, it told her to go outside of the front door, so she did as it said, she closed it shut slowly, she walked down the stairs of the front door, and drop down one more step, then it told her to go left, then straight so she did.

2 hour later,"you have reached your destination" said the voice,  it was at an old abandoned bridge, she walked towards under the bridge, confused, she looked around the she heard someone voice, "hi there, glad you can  make it." said the voice,

"hi, I'm Elise what's your named?" Elise asked as she smiled and looks around and behind her while she blinks, it was too dark, she can only see a little bit but not so much, "nice to meet you, Elise, my name is..." the voice said only to stop for a sec, "my name is Buddi"

as he had his eyes glowing blue and  red glitching crazy, "I can tell you're the first one, a girl version to be made,"  Buddi said  while having his hand behind him and walking slowly around her to take a good look at her style, 

"it's nice to meet you too, why are you out here alone and my did you want me to come over?" she asked as she tilled her head and blinks,  "i just thought you would need some help to make JM happy" Budid said as he stopped walking around her and stand in front of her, "oh yes please, I would love to make her happy, that what I wanted," Elise said as she had her hands together and jumping up and down, "well, c'mon," he said as he gave her the knife, she looked at it and looked at him back confused, "what's this?" she question him, "it's to hurt people to make her happy" he answered, she had her face a little bit upset, "you sure this will make  her happy?" she question again,

"i'm sure, beside, you're just like me." buddi said started to walked holding another knife, she walked along with him,  they hid behind the tree and saw the one of JM's bullies, "that one of her bullies and made her sad, and hurt her," buddi said to her, Elise grimed her hand with the knife, she started to breathe heavily, 

"nobody hurt my JM..." she said as she had her teeth clinch together as her eyes turn red. "then what are we waiting there?" buddi said, "go kill her..." he whisper to her had red eyes smiling, they both ran towards her yelling, "what the-? OH MY GO-!!!" she screamed at Elise sliced her ankle with the knife, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! STOP STOP STOP! PLEASE STOP!!!!" she cried out, they turn her around and Buddi stabbed it in bottom of the hand, then she screamed, Elise climes on top of her and said, "you don't hurt my JM..." she said as she slices her guts out and she screamed with tears for a minutes, she got off of her breathed heavily trying to calm down, blood were everywhere,but it didn't got on Elise,

she dropped the knife ad had her knees down, "Buddi, what have I done...? why do I feel... happy?" she asked as she turn her head up slowly to Buddi, "that's because you're happy that JM wouldn't be sad anymore," Buddi said as he bent down, "now... you keep it as a secret, not everyone on this earth and even JM your best buddi." he said, Elise nodded, "good now you should get home," he said started to walked off fading away into the darkness.

3 hour later, Elise made it back home, hiding the knife in her sweater in the back, she knocked, then JM opened it worried, "where did you go??? I was scared you hurt yourself  again!" JM said holding Elise hugging her tightly, "oh never mind that doesn't matter, all that matter that you're okay," JM said, "come, we're were actually about to eat some ice, since I was going to eat them all for crying, because I thought you were gone and well, dead." she said, "but don't worry i'm here now, " Elise said holding JM's hand walking inside, 

at morning at Friday they didn't had no school Today, so they turn on  the TV to see the news and show one of JM's bullies been killed on the street at night, they were in shocked, "Jm, isn't that one of your bullies...?" Tulip said shaking in a tone, Jm nodded, "we haven't find, find the weapon or the murder, but the cops are now looking everywhere for anything clues, we hope for you all to be careful when you go outside or alone, and that's it for the news, we'll be seeing you soon if you are careful." the news man said then they changes the channel, 

"welp umm..., that was new..."  said Slade, Jm felt something grab on to her leg, she looked down and it was Elise, "can we play now, Jm?"  Elise asked, "not yet, sorry we... Gotta to make sure everything is safe and locked," said Jm, she walked off and there was Elise standing there in her thoughts of what she did, was it the right thing to do...? well she was hurting my Jm and making her life terrible... she thought herself in the middle of the living room, she sliped around, and started to walked towards the window, as she got the sutler and got on it and looked outside at the backed yard, she saw a Daisy at the  garden, 

maybe JM would love some Daisy's, Elise thought to herself, she climbed down slowly sticking out her tiny feet, she walked outside of the back yard,it was raining, but she didn't care,  she got to the garden and went inside, She grabbed some Daisy's, when Elise got them some, we left the garden room and was now getting wet, she was getting glitching a bit but she doesn't about it, all she cared is to make JM happy, 

she walked inside the house, and saw JM, JM grabs some towel, and quickly ran to her and stared to dry her up, "Elise what were you thinking??? Don't you have any idea that you could have-?!" JM was cut off by Elise, "I gotten you some Daisy for you, JM, to make you happy." Elise said, as she smiled and held up in front of her, JM slowly smiled, she knows that Elise dose care for her but it was too risky for robots to be out in the rain like that,

JM looked down and sighed, "Elise, it was sweet of you for doing that for me and being brave to get it," JM smiled, "but you shouldn't have go outside while it's raining tho." JM said as she drys Elise up, when she was done, Elise hair went kinda puffy, JM chuckle as she saw that, then Elise grab one and did the same, and JM hair went all up and fluffy, Elise laughed, soon they both laughed together, JM grab Elise's tiny hand and went to JM's room, they both draw together, they played games, they watched funny and scary videos, it was the best day ever, soon they went to the kitchen, JM put Elise on the island, and grab some ice creams, as soon she got them, she spaces out, walked by Elise,and yep she forgot about her, Elise couldn't get down then just for a sec JM just realize she left  Elise on the table,

she quickly grab her and went off, she putted Elise on her back and pretended to be a house giving her a pinky back ride, Elise laughed and said, "YEEHAW!" said Elise as she chuckles, JM laughed too and smiled, soon an hour later,  JM feel asleep on the couch, and Elise was called in by Buddi, "hey kid, meet me at the abandoned bridge under it, see you soon," then the calling stop, Elise slide down and putted a pillow in JM's arms, she walked outside, and went to the abandoned bridge under it, "There you are, ready to learn new stuff?" Buddi said as he smiled, "what new stuff?" She asked, "oh, showing you how to control stuff, kill in new skills too" Buddi answered smiling, "right now?" She asked with a wide eyes, "will, today i'll only be teaching how to control this car, can you try to do it?" Buddi said as he looked at her, 

She looks at it and for a sec, she shutten her eyes tightly trying to make it move, for a bit a minutes, it started to move, Elise opened her eyes and saw it move, "yay, I did it!" she said with a smile, "good, now can you try to control this doll toy?" he said again, and so she did, making it stand up and do stuff, "good now, this was only to make it easy for ya, on next week I'll be showing more, and even the killing skills to make JM happy and protect her too," Buddi said as he walked into the darkness again, the doll was not in control and drop down, an 2 hours and made it home, JM" was still sleeping, she putted the pillow away from her arms, and slide though into her arms,

as weeks passes by, Elise would learn by JM, she would teach her to bakes cakes and use safety too, she shows her how to bandage people injured, and teaches her how to be gently, and Elise would learn new stuff from Buddi but in the bad way, he teaches how to use skills, how to control the electrons, and everything else, every-time, Elise would learn safety for people and killing people, she doesn't know what's right and what's wrong to her. she would be confused, when Elise asked "why do I have to learn for safety?" "because, it's a good way to do," JM answered and smiled,

when ever Elise asked Buddi a question, "why do I have to kill?" "well it's a good way to do, and to make you friend happy too" Buddi answered, everything wouldn't make seances, she learned safety and hurting at the same day, she would think to herself and wouldn't know what to do, every-times she learns it would make more confuses her.

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