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Soonyoung is minding his own business. Or, trying to. A rowdy group of girls had pranced into the café only a few moments ago, with their bubblegum hair and disgustingly pouty lips.

Upon seeing the now cherry head, the girls bat their eyelashes so much that Soonyoung could swear that any longer and their eyelids would turn inside out. What a sight that would be.

He takes their orders in a deadly monotonous voice, none of his usual bounce playing through. It doesn't seem to faze them, they stay chatty and flirty, seeming to have telepathically set up a competition for who could get his number first. Some girls are weird.

They clip-clop away, trying to mask the staggering from their however-the-fuck-tall-they-are heels. They swarm at the back of the room, continuing to eye Soonyoung as they chatter indefinitely.

The boy rolls his eyes.

Unfortunately, Kihyun isn't around for him to moan to. It's Soonyoung's first day back after being ill, and Kihyun happens to not work on this day. Typical.

As he's pouring a cappuccino, he sees a bike roll up to the front of the building.

It's a cute thing, with a teal green body and rickety old wheels that look like they'll give way any second, and it is pushed into the empty bike racks in front of the left window.

The owner comes in, his black hair standing up on end and his cheeks dusted with a rosy tint.

Soonyoung and Jihoon's eyes meet for a split second- where they nearly smile- before they both let out a small cough and look away.

Jihoon walks on, moving through the café to his favourite spot by the fire, roaring delightedly like a ruby and lighting up the dark corner with a comforting glow. It happens to be directly behind where the girls are lounging, hanging feet over backs of chairs.

You moron. You could've sat anywhere and it's right next to those bitches.

Soonyoung begrudgingly slumps over to the smaller boy, with his pad hanging limply from his fingers and the bitten-down pen resting between his lips.

"Alright, what do you want?" Changkyun would fire him if he heard him say that to a customer.

But Jihoon isn't fazed, "Black coffee."

"Milk and sugar?"

"Milk in black coffee? Doesn't that defeat the point?"

Soonyoung sighs, "I don't know, I'm tired. Whatever."

The protocol of a waiter drones on until they both fall silent and Soonyoung walks off, ignoring the irritating giggles echoing from over his shoulder. He also hears a small snigger, which he decides to ignore as well.

After brewing the simple coffee, he got out the milk and sugar and set them on the counter. He made sure Jihoon could see them, but then he left them.

He picked up the coffee and took his time going over to set it down in front of the raven haired boy, still slightly trembling from the cold.

Jihoon nods in return, engrossed in something on his laptop that's perched dangerously on his shaking lap. His eyes spark like hot obsidian as he works, too enraptured in his music that he picks up the coffee nonchalantly and raises the cup to his lips.

Soonyoung watches, smirking.

He watches with subtle enjoyment as Jihoon's face scrunches into one of disgust, the bitter taste burning down his throat. He quickly puts it down, the loud noise cutting the girl's conversation short. They glare at him distastefully whilst he slowly raises his eyes to bore fiery pits into the grinning boy behind the counter.

He keeps his eyes trained onto him, as he raises his hand and flips him off forcefully, his jaw clenching when Soonyoung dares to laugh.

He would definitely do more and give Soonyoung something to think about, but he really needs to finish the song.

He's been an idiot and has only got two days left- well, more like one and a half. And yet, he isn't nearly happy with the song, the pressure has made it harder for him to think and that means it's taken too much longer to even get started.

His mind is a mess.

But at least that disgusting coffee woke him up slightly.

He stares at his laptop screen, finally finding himself able to readjust parts into something he likes.

A small hand taps him on his shoulder.

Jihoon sighs. He tries so hard to stay calm. Just as I was fucking getting it, SOONYOUNG-

He spins around, but it's not Soonyoung.

It's one of the girls. Her hair is done in an intricate weave that maybe at another time Jihoon would've appreciated but her mannerisms make his body curl in on itself; He hopes that her lips are just naturally full and pouty, but those eyelashes are inhumanely long and the speed at which she's blinking is unfathomable.

He manages to stop himself from grimacing as she speaks in a silly high pitched voice. She pleads for his phone number, or his name, or even where he lives. But what she doesn't understand is that now is really not a good time.

"No, fuck off and let me work." Jihoon deadpans and collapses back into his seat, fixing his headphones over his ears once again and continuing his work.

Through his soundproof headphones, he can't hear the complaining of the girls, how they mock him and scoff at his rudeness. Soonyoung sits through it all, and even lets out a wry smile when Jihoon so effortlessly and carelessly brushes away the annoyingly shrill crowd.

Maybe Jihoon isn't so bad after all?

Ah, who is he kidding...

The tiny ass motherfucker had whacked him around the head, which - might I add - left a mighty bruise on Soonyoung's forehead for a good week.

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