Twenty Eight

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Mingyu glances up when from the corner of his eyes he sees two guys walk through the door. He breaks out into a smirk.

"I wondered where you two went."

Soonyoung rolls his eyes while Jihoon ignores the comment and sits down.

Mingyu continues, "So, what did you get up to? Nothing scandalous, I hope. Chan's here."


Jihoon spots Soonyoung's vicious death glare directed at the back of Mingyu's head, before looking back at his friend. "What the fuck are you on about? He must've been getting something for himself. I only just got here."

Mingyu nods but his face is full of disbelief. He knows better than Jihoon's claim to be cold to make an excuse for his red cheeks. He knows better than Soonyoung's nervous looks. But for now, he'll play with it- because these two are clearly idiots who can't tell their emotions apart.

Mingyu grinned to himself. A feeble thing, is love. I mean, look at these two: they don't know what they're feeling and it's making them weaker. They setting themselves up for a broken heart.

Mingyu never plans to fall in love. Not now, not ever. He doesn't want to die.

"Earth to Mingyu, what's going on?"

Jihoon aggressively snaps his fingers continuously in front of Mingyu's face. Chan watches him bemusedly while Soonyoung waits beside him with a bored look on his face.

Mingyu blinks, "Huh?"

"What do you want? Tell me quick so I can sleep before someone else comes in." Soonyoung scoffs, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

Put on the spot, Mingyu stumbles over his words, "Uhh, I'll have a... chocolate milkshake!" He blurts out, and Soonyoung rolls his eyes yet again at the jejune enthusiasm.

"Alright, child."

As Soonyoung wanders off, Mingyu slumps back in his seat.

Jihoon - having ordered his usual black coffee - stares into the fire as it burns and licks at the brick walls. He can just see the charred log through the flames and smoke. It casts shadows through the room, twinkling off of the fairy lights and setting light to customers faces.

Finally, Soonyoung carries over their drinks, precariously balancing all of them in his hand.

He sets them all down before pulling up a chair and slumping over the back of it, "Damn, it's so hot. It's like, 35 Celsius outside and the fires lit and I'm wearing this stupid jumper." He tugs at the collar of his top, attempting to pull it from his neck.

Chan slowly sips his strawberry milkshake after eating all of the whipped cream with a spoon. Nudging his round glasses up his nose, he spots something behind Mingyu, outside the café.

A man, watching their group.

"Hey, gyu," he starts, pulling out his phone and turning the front camera on.

"Yeah?" The older halts his conversation at Chan's worried tone.

The youngest hands him his phone, "There's a guy in the window behind you."

Mingyu looks so discreetly through Chan's camera, using it to study the man behind him. As he looks, the man walks off. Shrugging, Chan's phone isn't pressed back into the pink haired boy's hand. "It'll be fine."

"D'you know him?"


Jihoon furrows his eyebrows, but then gives up trying to figure out what just happened, "Fair enough..." he whispers to himself, reaching to take a sip of his drink.

As he swallows, he gags. It burns to force the coffee down so he doesn't throw it back up, and as he does so he glares at Soonyoung, "I hate you."

Soonyoung grins and blows a sweet kiss mockingly in Jihoon's direction while Mingyu and Chan snigger from behind their glasses. Jihoon just glares for a bit longer before zoning out, leaving the three idiots to carry on with their conversation, instead thinking about a gig he has later. He hasn't seen Jaehyun in a few days, since he came round after the hospital let him go.

Jihoon could do with the closure.

Sorry for the long-ish wait and short chapter, I sprained my thumb and have to wrap it in a bandage so typing's a bit of a nightmare :(

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