South Korea x Reader (Lime)

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Okay first time writing a lime. So...there's lemons...and limes...what about oranges or grapefruit??

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...N.Korea x Reader (Grapefruit)...

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Okay maybe not. (This High School Au bcuz I said so :3)

Oh and this was requested by @kimolilohsnds

3rd P.O.V

South Korea was sitting in class,half asleep while the teacher talked on and on about things he didn't really care about. He rested his head on the palm of his hand and sighed. He heard a little noise and looked down at his desk. There was a small piece of folded paper with a star on it. He unfolded the paper and read it in his head. 'This class is so bored my brains are gonna melt out of my ears.' South Korea looked at the desk next to him where one of his closest friends,Y/N,sat. She looked just as bored as he did,she looked like she was already asleep.

The bell rang for lunch and the students filed out of the room. Y/N was actually asleep,with her notebook open. South Korea prodded Y/N's shoulder. "Y/N...the bell rung." Y/N groaned, "Five more minutes..." South Korea raised an eyebrow. "It's the lunch bell." Y/N suddenly opened her eyes and stood up off her desk. "Lunch?" South Korea sighed, "If you were dead and someone was eating a bag of chips,you'd dig yourself out of your own grave just to ask for some..." Y/N huffed, "Well I didn't eat breakfast this morning so I'm tired AND hungry!" South Korea rolled his "eyes" (they're just white,y'know?). He looked around,noticing Y/N had already gone. She peeked back in the classroom, "Come on before all the good food is gone!"

Y/N's P.O.V

S.Kori (that's your weird nickname that you call him) ate a lot faster than I did. Lord knows how much he actually eats.

"So,Y/N,I was wondering if you'd like to come over to study for the upcoming Algebra test after school." I blinked. "To your house?" S. Kori raised an eyebrow, "Well...I mean we could do it at your house if you really wanted to." I shook my head, "N-No no my house is a mess. Yours would probably be better."  S.Kori nodded. "But for real, 'Algebra?',more like 'Alge-bruh!',amirite?" S.Kori shook his head. "As ever Y/N,your sense of humour never ceases to amaze me." I gasped, "Was that an insult?!" S.Kori smiled. "You figure it out." (if you get this reference,I love you.)

S. Korea's P.O.V

"Y/N's kind of an airhead,bro..." My brother,North Korea complained. "She's not an airhead,North! If anything,you're the airhead! Mr.'I Have A Body Pillow Of A Fucking Nuke'!" North gasped, "It's not weird! You have your fetishes,I have mine!" I laughed "When's the wedding?" North scowled at me. "For your information, SOUTH,it's next week and YOU'RE not invited!" I rolled my eyes, "I didn't wanna go to your weird body pillow wedding anyway." North whispered, "But you were gonna be my best man..."

I sighed, "Fine. I'll go to your wedding and be your best man IF you agree not to bother me and Y/N." North nodded quickly. "I swear I won't bother you guys! I'll just be in my room. Speaking of,I have to go propose to Nuki." North dashed off to his room. "He gave the fucking thing a name..." I whispered.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly ran over to answer it. "Heyy S.Kori!" Y/N smiled. "Hey Y/N. Come in,make yourself at home." I smiled politely. Y/N stepped in and blinked, "Yup. Your house is 100% cleaner than mine." I shrugged, " It's nothing. You ready to do this?" Y/N nodded. "I'm kinda nervous though..." I tilted my head, "Why?" Y/N shrugged, "Dunno. Just havin' a weird feeling." I sighed. "Well we could probably study in the living room. Could turn on the TV as background." Y/N nodded.

Y/N's P.O.V

We were halfway into studying when I heard a shrill scream. S.Kori looked up,a little worried. A short lil bean ran down the stairs,carrying a body pillow with a nuke. "Oh my God,bro,she said yes!!" I looked at S. Kori and looked back at the bean, "Who said yes?" S.Kori whispered, "That's just my bro,North Korea. He pretends to date that body pillow and he 'proposed' to it,today." I nodded slowly. "Meet the new Mrs.Korea! But call her Nuki for now." I giggled, "Well,very nice to meet you,Nuki." S.Kori looked pissed beyond belief.

"North...why don't you go back upstairs and play Smash Bros. with Nuki...?" North looked at South and gulped,seeing the look in his eyes. "O-Okay...we won't be too loud~" I covered my mouth to hold back laughter. S.Kori turned back to me and sighed, "Sorry about that... he's kinda..." I smiled, "Unique?" S.Kori shrugged, "I wanna gonna say stupid but let's go with that."

3rd P.O.V

Y/N and South Korea eventually finished studying and were sitting on the couch,watching TV. They were watching some Korean soap opera,with the subtitles on. When one of the characters revealed a secret,South Korea gasped and cried in Korean, "알고 있었어!! 오 신 이시여!" He sat back into the couch,looking satisfied. "You watch his a lot,huh?" Y/N laughed. "If by all the time you mean every day? Then yes. Yes I do." Y/N rolled her eyes and looked over at him. "You know Y/N...there's a game I wanna teach you how to play. You could come over a lot more often and we could attempt to beat each other~" Y/N blinked. "A game huh? You're on!" South Korea smiled devilishly. "Wonderful..."

N.Korea's P.O.V

I was talking with Nuki and heard loud noises coming from the room next door. "Ohh S.Kori,please go easy on me~!" It sounded like...Y/N?? I told Nuki to be quiet for a minute and listen. "Not a chance,baby. I'm gonna smash you until you're just begging for mercy~" I covered my mouth. "Oh fuck!" I heard Y/N yell. "You like that~?" South Korea cooed. "Fuck!" I heard a loud thump. My face was red as I peeked out of my room. I snuck up to South's bedroom door and listened. "Don't do it so hard!" Y/N moaned. "You asked me not to go easy on you,Y/N. So I won't~!" I covered my mouth with my hand, 'Oh my God,are they...they wouldn't...!' I thought. I quickly opened the door and saw South and Y/N sitting in front of a TV,playing Smash Bros. "Do you need something,bro?" South blinked. "N-No...just...can you be a little quieter?" Y/N smiled and nodded, "Sorry! I get a little loud when I'm getting the ass kicking I asked for." North smiled , "It's no problem! Sorry about just barging in." South waved his hand, "Nah don't worry about it,bro." I walked out and held a hand to my chest and exhaled heavily.

Lmao how was that? Probably not at all what you expected,but I tried xD

Word Count : 1226

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