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Free! reacts to.....Macarons!

Note: I hope you guys understand that they're not all in the same room. Everyone does it privately and I just combine their reactions like a bunch of video clips :P (TheFineBros inspired) Occasionally there will be special guests like Gou, Seijuro, Ama, Goro, and etc, but other than that it's the usual 8 :)


*hands everyone a single macaron*

~ ~ ~

Haruka: Yes! Finally food.

Makoto: Ohh! I've seen and heard of these.

Nagisa: *opens mouth*


Rei: It's hard...

Sousuke: Macaron o.o?

Rin: This is a macaron!

< < < < < QUESTION TIME > > > > >

Me: So, what do you guys think is it?

Sousuke: This is totally macaron!

Rin: A macaron, duh!

Makoto: Wait, I know this!

Me: ...

Makoto: It's...it's...ACK! I can't remember what it's called.

Nagisa: No clue, but it looks like cake!

Rei: Donut...?

Aiichiro: Is this a biscuit?

Momo: I don't know what this is, but it looks tasty!

Seijuro: Hi mom! Hi dad! *waves at camera*

Me: Erm...

Seijuro: Oh, sorry! It looks like one of those small pies...

Haruka: Can I just eat it now?

< < < < < RESULTS > > > > >

Me: This is called a macaron! They're like biscuits, but with various cream flavors on the inside. You guys can eat it now.

Haruka: *takes one nibble* *stares* *spits it out*

Makoto: *takes a bite and nods head intriguingly*

Nagisa: *throws it in the mouth like there's no tomorrow*

Rei: *eats it like a gentleman*

Rin: *munches it all in one bite*

Sousuke: *shoves it in the mouth, making him look like a rabbit*

Aiichiro: *closes eyes and takes a nip*

Momo: *claps and puts it in his mouth*

Seijuro: Look mom I'm eating a macaron! *holds macaron to his face and grins while playing with it*

Me: Just eat it!

< < < < < FINAL THOUGHTS > > > > >

Me: Well, what do you think of it? Rate and recommend?

Haruka: ...can I leave now?

Me: -_____________-

Makoto: These are delicious! 10! :D

Me: *beams and hands Makoto another one* Good Boy :3

Nagisa: They're so good! I rate 1000!!! Give me another one!

Me: *hands Nagisa a pink one*

Nagisa:Yay! *devours it*

Rei: They have a weird taste...but that's because I got salted caramel.

Me: *gives Rei a purple one*

Rei: *eats it* Mmm, passion fruit!

Rin: 4. Macarons are mehh, They're too sweet <.<

Sousuke: I actually love macarons. *chuckles* I guess umm...a 7?

Me: *hands Sousuke an orange one* :)

Aiichiro: They're okay. I would recommend it.

Me: *hands Ai a green one*

Momo: Ooooh! I love sweets, so 100000000!!! MORE MORE ^O^

Me: *holds plate of macarons in front of Momo*

Momo: *smiles widely and takes it all*

Seijuro: Ehhh, a 5? I don't like sweets, but I would recommend it.

Me: O:


Sousuke: Thanks for...um, uhhh, errr...

Me: *whispers* For watching!

Sousuke: Right, right. For watching. Yes, watching. Please leave a vote...um.....

Me: *facepalms*

Nagisa: Wait, is it on? Do I speak now? I just say what? Oh, ok. *clears throat* Hey everyone! Thanks for watching and leave a vote and comment! *winks*

Aiichiro: Check out next week where we react to shoujo manga ^_^

Seijuro: Hi!!! Look mom, I'm on FISCC right now!!! :DDD

Me: Seijuro please :/

Seijuro: Huh? Oh sorry :| See you guys next time. Sayonara!

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