Two Rulers, One Throne

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It was dark.

Too dark, and low whispers could be heard if one were quiet enough.

(Y/N) opened her eyes to find herself in a dark abyss. A cold chill brushed over her as she searched frantically for anything or anyone.

Suddenly as she woke up in this strange place, there, stood 17 foot tall sculptures of people, well gods it seemed.

One was half horse half man and another had snake hair. Wow.

My eyes soaked up what I was seeing.

"(Y/N) (L/N), we have been waiting for you."

When they spoke, their mouths didn't move.

"I-um why exactly h-have you been e-expecting me?" I stuttered, very much nervous and intimidated.

"You are the chosen one, a a powerful hybrid, even stronger than the god himself, Godzilla. We understand you have many questions, and they will be answered in time, but for now we must activate your inner warrior."


My mouth gasped, my mind confused.

Me a chosen one? I'm stronger than Godzilla? Activate my inner Warrior?!

This is ALOT to process.

I simply nodded and I was teleported to a temple type of building.

The ceiling was higher than the tall people and cracked ancient stone surrounded us, green vines crawling down cracks in the walls, mini natural waterfalls falling from even bigger cracks, and strange animals, both real, extinct, exotic, and mystical. Horses and unicorns grazed together while colorful birds with multiple eyes and very sharp claws extended towards branches.

It really was a beautiful sight.

I followed the sculptures towards an opening.

I stood in the middle as they circled around me.

One of the sculptures kneeled down, opening hid palm revealing a blue glowing stone.

I gasped in admiration before I took it in my hands. As suddenly as I saw it, it flashed for a second before disappearing.

"W-where did it go?!" I panicked looking around.

"The power core of THE first Kaiju blood now lived in your soul. You are now ready for the dangers that soon await you."

My vision became blurry and I couldn't keep my balance. As soon as I blinked I wasn't in the strange temple anymore but my bedroom. I felt around me, realizing I was on the ground. Is good up and grabbed my phone checking the time and date.

I was gone for only thirty minutes?! If felt like hours, maybe even days!

I inhaled and exhaled before going to sleep.

Maybe tomorrow I can figure this out.

~~Next Morning~~

I yawned tiredly from waking up from the loud beeping of my alarm clock, going into my bathroom and doing my daily routine. I decided on wearing leggings, wedged heels, and an off shoulder shirt.

Before I even touch the doorknob to my apartment, a voice whispered to me.

"Give up now (Y/N) while you still have the chance. I can certainly guarantee you won't be making it out alive after I take over your body and soul, hahah....I will sit on the throne while you burn in the bottom pits of hell!

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