full oc description

4K 42 9

Kioshi yamada

Quirk :nature, lighting

Moves:(lighting) lighting dash, lighting field,light smash, lighting rage,(nature)nature punch,rage,vines, neutral claw,Vines claw, lighting golem,vine golem

Drawback:if used to much will turn into a wolf dragon hybrid

Flamber torikoshi


Moves:ice wall,fire wall,ice sword,fire sword,icyhot sword,fire breath,spike,ice fire spears,rage,fire mode,ice mode

Drawback:if used to much will become unstoppable

Gunner mist

Quirk : creation, transformation

Moves: (creation)multiple sword,small swords,swords wall, swords gun ,Minigun, (transformation) big motorcycle,plane, missile,car

Drawback: nothing

Drax flame


Moves:the same,blue fire mode

Drawback: nothing

Shin ice


Moves :ice wall,spike,ice sword,ice shard,ice smash

Drawback: become ice itself

Kohaku Shinzo


Moves: transformation,wolf slash,wolf dash,wolf call,wolf smash,rage

Drawback:if goes rage mode it's unstoppable

Afton phantom

Quirk:wolf,ghost, phantom

Moves:(wolf)the same,(ghost)summon ghost,ghost attack,(phantom) summon phantom, phantom army, phantom shield, phantom sword

Drawback:loss mind

Jyugo kite

Quirk: lighting

Moves: lighting field, lighting rage,blue lightning mode, lighting sword, lighting shield

Drawback:lose concentration

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