Kioshi yamada
Quirk :nature, lighting
Moves:(lighting) lighting dash, lighting field,light smash, lighting rage,(nature)nature punch,rage,vines, neutral claw,Vines claw, lighting golem,vine golem
Drawback:if used to much will turn into a wolf dragon hybrid
Flamber torikoshi
Moves:ice wall,fire wall,ice sword,fire sword,icyhot sword,fire breath,spike,ice fire spears,rage,fire mode,ice mode
Drawback:if used to much will become unstoppable
Gunner mist
Quirk : creation, transformation
Moves: (creation)multiple sword,small swords,swords wall, swords gun ,Minigun, (transformation) big motorcycle,plane, missile,car
Drawback: nothing
Drax flame
Moves:the same,blue fire mode
Drawback: nothing
Shin ice
Moves :ice wall,spike,ice sword,ice shard,ice smash
Drawback: become ice itself
Kohaku Shinzo
Moves: transformation,wolf slash,wolf dash,wolf call,wolf smash,rage
Drawback:if goes rage mode it's unstoppable
Afton phantom
Quirk:wolf,ghost, phantom
Moves:(wolf)the same,(ghost)summon ghost,ghost attack,(phantom) summon phantom, phantom army, phantom shield, phantom sword
Drawback:loss mind
Jyugo kite
Quirk: lighting
Moves: lighting field, lighting rage,blue lightning mode, lighting sword, lighting shield
Drawback:lose concentration
Deku New Life Form
Fanficthis story including some of my OC so this maybe will including ship but idk When allmight takes ofa again Deku has done it than ran to the forest then met a new friend and he get a new quirks?