Chapter 6

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"I tried to help you walk away... now you're making me do this," Beck's voice echoed as Peter's world swirled into darkness, illuminated only by green fog.

School lockers came crashing down as Mysterio, clad in his suit and a sphere of uncertainty on his head, walked towards Peter.

"You told me you were just a kid..." Peter tried to fire his webs at him, but they evaporated into green dust. Peter tried to punch him but failed, punching into a concrete pole. "You told me you wanted to hang out with that girl."

"Help!" your voice screamed. Peter looked around hurriedly.

"Y/N" he called, slamming through a door. He halted quickly as to not fall of the edge. The balcony looked familiarly like the Eiffel Tower.

He had thought about bringing MJ up here and giving her the Dahlia necklace, and he even told you this- but after getting to know you, his plans changed, and he wanted it to be you up there with him. But not like this...

"Peter," he turned to face you, as you stood dangerously close to the edge. "What's going on?" your fearful voice asked him timidly.

"I know this isn't real," Peter declared.

Green fog materialised around you as a hand emerged and tightened around your neck.

"Do you though?" Beck taunted, lifting your body up over the edge.

"Y/N," Peter yelled, running towards you. Mysterio let your body drop, plummeting towards the earth, "Y/N!" Peter called for you, reaching his hand out. His fingers slipped passed yours as he dove head first towards the ground. His leap was cut short as his head came crashing into hard concrete.

You screamed echoed hauntingly as the darkness consumed his surroundings again.

The next morning yourself, Ned and MJ were standing outside your hotel, packed bags in hand, waiting for the shuttle. None of you had heard from Peter since he had swung out of the window the previous night. And you were beginning to worry.

"Don't worry," Ned said, reading your mind (and anxious body language), "he does this all the time. He'll be fine."

"Yes, he might, but I never knew it was Peter all those things until now," you whispered back, careful to not let any of your classmates hear, "And now he's got a bad guy after him, and by extension, us- because we know he's bad! You can't blame me for being stressed." You looked at him pointedly.

"She's got a point," MJ quipped, not even looking up from her book.

Mr Harrington announced that there was a slight change of plans: you would fly home via London, spending the day there before flying home.

The three of you shared a silent, knowing look: this trip had been altered with one too many times for this to not be suspicious anymore.

Nevertheless, you all boarded the coach that would take you to the train station, as you had no other option but to. You boarded the train and caught it into the bustling city of London.

The class was ushered towards a double-decker bus, as you were going to sight-see before heading to the airport, when you heard Brad's voice speak up.

"Is no one else going to acknowledge how crazy this is?"

"I get it." Mr Dell spoke. "There's been nothing scientific about this science tour at all," Brad gave an exasperated sigh at his words.

"No, no, no. I'm talking about Peter. Has no one else noticed how shady he is?" He looked at the class expectantly, but no one showed even an ounce of interest, yet, he continued anyway, "Because I saw him in the bathroom of a rest stop with some woman in his underwear, and he's always sneaking away?" Your heart hitched- what if Brad had figured it out... "Like back at the Opera? And now he's suddenly off the trip, with his family in Berlin? Is no one else here interested in the truth?" Brad finished.

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