Chapter 10

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As I walk back home I see that the car is parked on the driveway. Taking out the house keys from my jacket, I step up the front porch. Once inside I yell out a hello to inform that I'm home. Mum answers from inside the living room and I can hear that she's watching one of the many tv shows she follows.

"Hey Sarah, could you come in here for a while?" Mum calls out as I take off my shoes and jacket.

"What's up?" I say as I walk into the living room and plump down on the sofa next to her.

"I'm sorry to bother you with this, but it seems I have no choice," Mum says as I wait for her to tell me what is going on. Her words create a knot in my stomach, and I shuffle to position myself better on the sofa.

"Lately I have tried really hard to get information from Jack, but he refuses to say anything. I don't know what it is, but it's obvious he's hiding something. I believe he's trying to protect his friends, but the only thing he's accomplishing is stagnating the investigation."

Fearing where this is headed, I nod slowly to show that I'm listening, but she notices my skepticism in a heartbeat

"Look, I know you and Jack have had your differences... and honestly I'd rather let you two take care of that on your own." She says in a bittersweet voice.

From the look of her face it is obvious that she's noticed things going on between Jack and I, and I don't mean that we've been involved with each other. She knows about the bet. Perhaps not in detail, but she knows something has happened that created a clash between him and me.

"But I need you Sarah, no one knows him like you do. I've tried talking to him, in therapy, with the police and at home. All I get is radio silence. No one reaches him on the level like you do." My heart clenches at her words and my emotions are expressed on her face, which is a turmoil of torn feelings.

"I don't want to ask this of you, because I know that whatever happened between you two has given you reasons to stay away from him. But honey, I've reached a dead end with Jack, and I'm afraid that he will get himself in even more trouble. So please, help me." She begs me.

My mouth has gone dry and is filled with a weird taste. I try to suppress my feelings of happiness that Jack clearly is attached to me still. But feelings of worry fill my when I think of everything that has happened and how things are right now. It makes me feel almost nauseous.

Still I don't want to let my mother down.

"I can try." I finally say with a dry voice. Unsure of my feelings over the fact that Jack and I will probably have our first dispute in forever.

Yet, seeing the relief of mum's face when I agree to help her, make me feel slightly better. I do wish the best for Jack but cannot help but feel somewhat worried about the whole thing.

"Do you know where he is?" I ask her, thinking it's beat if I get this over with as soon as possible.

"I believe he is in his room."

Somewhat shaky I walk up the stairs, adrenaline rushing through my veins. It's as if my body is remembering every dispute we've had in the past and is preparing me for a fight. Walking down the hallway I stop in front of Jack's door and take a deep breath before knocking lightly on it.

"Yeah?" I can hear him call from inside.

"It's Sarah," I reply. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I hear him answer and push the handle to open the door. Peaking inside, I find him lying on his bed doodling on his phone. I wonder if he can sense my stare because all of a sudden, he looks up and catches my gaze with his dark eyes.

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