Chapter 3

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It was Friday night and us girls were all at the apartment, skulling down cheap alcohol that burned our throats as we strived for the goal of being "wasted,". While drinking my life away, I was taking a big risk by talking to Luke, which was going amazingly. He was very secretive about his line of work which drove me crazy because I'm such a nosy person, but hey it's early days yet, I just have to be patient.

Luke : I am really sorry sweetheart, but I've got something to take care of. Stay safe tonight and do not try to run into any other nipple walls ;) x

I pouted. I didn't want him to go, I want the attention. I decided to respond with a cheeky answer and continued my affair with cheap, beautiful red wine. Australia's hottest hits played in the background as all of us ladies stood around to participate in selfies, dancing or and including drinking.

"Abby, tell everyone about your new guy!" Sophie squealed stumbling over our two seater lounge, almost flashing her underwear in her neon green mini dress. "Tell then how you have his babies,"

Shit, I need to be on her level. "Oooo who's the lucky guy?" Olivia, one of Sophie's good friends piped up. She's a sucker for hearing cutesy, lovey dovey type stories and is constantly in a good mood.

I shook my head. "He's just some guy i ran into at the club the other night and surprisingly I ran into him again two days ago," I informed her before taking a swig of some red wine. "He's name is Luke and we've only been texting so far,"

"Well make sure you don't spend the whole night on your phone! We all wanna go out and dance!"

Ladies and Gentleman, get ready for 8 university girls who are ready for a good bloody night.

Once again, I'm in the oh so familiar place where the bass of music is literally igniting my soul, almost sending my body into a high. Laughter and screams can be heard from every part of the room, and that's mainly because all of us are here to have a good night.

Even though the heels I was wearing were hurting my feet, I did not care one bit, I loved being part of the party.  As I danced, I scanned the surrounding crowd. My eyes landed on a tall figure dressed in black. Could that have been Luke? I avoided my gaze from the figure. I'm probably just imagining him at this club. I tapped Sophie on the shoulder which she turned around to face me. "I'm going outside for a while, I'll be back soon!" I shouted and she nodded, hopefully she heard me.

Pushing my way through the various sweaty bodies, I finally made it out to the side door which lead into an alleyway. Normally I'd be fine with this, the area is extremely crowded near the entrance of the alley but this time there were two figures down the alley. Curious and following my inner Nancy drew, I decided to get a closer look at what they were doing.

The two figures turned out to be men, both who spoke in smooth deep voices which was very good asmr material. I had crouched down along the wall in front of some bins making me camouflage into the darkness. As I looked closer I saw that there was a third person on the ground, they must've had too much to drink.

"Pathetic!" A heavy accented voice snarled. Damn he must be mad he's friend is a light weight. I began to sober up when I saw one of the men began to kick the figure on the ground. "You are a coward, you thought you were too good for us,"

Another horrendous kick to the ribs. I must be dreaming, I must be high. This seriously can not be real. "Now now Alec," the other man had said to his side hand. "What good is he to us?" I could see a smirk crawl on his face and a very evil look in his eyes.

He pulled his hand into the side pocket of his jacket and pulled out what appeared to be a pocket knife. Kneeling down, he danced the blade along the stomach of their victim. I froze in my spot. What the fuck can I do, I can't call the cops because they might kill me.

Maybe I should go back inside and get someone's attention. I slowly got up and as I did, the man pushed the blade straight in to the victims stomach. The scene before me made me stumble in shock and collide into the bins.

The two men snapped their attention which landed straight on me. Oh fuck. I panicked and grabbed the lid of one of the rubbish bins and put it in front of my body.

"Ha ha don't mind me, I'm just a bin, a talking bin that is slowly walking away," I say sounding so amazingly confident (that was a lie by the way) . The men started walking towards me which only just made me sprint into the other direction.....which was a very short sprint as I had ran into a surface. One with nipples that is.


Don't tell Luke I cheated on him with another wall of nipples. Two more men stood in front of me as I nervously laughed "Aw come on fellas, I'm not gonna tell anyone what I saw, I'm only a young 5 year-"

"Shut her up,"

R00D. A white rag was put to my mouth and I scrunched my nose up. Hope they haven't used that for anything else. But I didn't think about that for too long as my mind thought it would be a great time to go and have a nap. What a bitch.

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