Shes awaken

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Stella's pov:

I was walking outside in the garden as I look at all the pretty flowers and plants before I sat down on the garden chair thinking, I can't believe I have met the sailor guardians this is crazy, I thought in my head before walking in until I hear they're conversations.

"she's a princess now and no matter we do or happens we have to protect her no matter what"

Huh a princess I heard Michiru saying to them as I walked and hide behind the brick wall trying to listen to they're conversation.

Setsuna's pov:

"look just give her some time it might take a while for her to awaken, she just got told that she was the princess today she needs time to figure out her path like you guys did with your lives"

i say to them getting annoyed on how Haruka can't be patient once she finds something she just has to have it now as I leaned back on the chair.

"we have waited I can't wait forever we need her to awaken to defeat the invasion before it's too late, remember last time when mistress 9 came in and nearly destroyed this planet" Haruka says as i look at her.

"Yes I know Haruka but your also the one who was running in races trying to avoid what was telling you and remember you thought that it was a fantasy"

Michiru says as she looked at Haruka as she was sighing then Michiru began laughing as I then started getting a bad feeling about Stella. I see them continue talking but I couldn't really concentrate them until they both looked at me worried.

"hey setsuna are you ok you seem quiet is something wrong, or do you have a bad feeling"

Michiru says as she looks at me sadly as she looks down "I'm getting a bad feeling about Stella it's like she's in trouble, look I'm gonna check on her just to make sure our princess is safe and nothing bad happened."

I said as We all then heard Stella screaming as we looked at each other then began running outside with our transformation sticks ready to transform.

Stella's Pov"

I sat there thinking about what they said until I see this enormous beast in front of me with another lady with pink hair and weird but ugly looking outfit.

"you seem to have a crystal pure heart time for me to collect your star and time for you to die but don't worry dear it won't hurt much"

she says laughing as I start screaming until it grabbed me trying to suck the life out of me, I felt my eyes get blurry and couldn't hear properly and then I see the others but in they're sailor outfits.

"let her go right now ................. world shaking"

Uranus says as her attack came towards me but then the monster drops me before her power hits me as I fell onto the hard ground.

"Neptune go and help Stella back inside and get her ready for this mission"

Uranus said as Neptune got the idea of what to do as she runs towards me and helps me off the ground.

"come one let's get you inside Stella" she says helping me up as we started walking inside.

"ok get your Brooch out and shout Sun Star power make up" Neptune says as I grab my brooch out.

"Sun Star Power Make up"

And I started transforming the skirt was a yellow with pastel pink on the edges with a yellow bow and a yellow and pink cape.

"Woah this is like a dream, I'm a sailor scout but who even am I Neptune"

I say as Neptune smiles holding her hand out for me to take as I take her hand.

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