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Zion's POV

I'm sitting by the pool scrolling through my timeline as usual. It was just a normal day, today. We all had no work to do. I honestly did not know what any of the boys were up to. I started seeing pictures of Jasmine. She cut me off a few weeks ago. I really fucked things up with her.

I called her a hoe when she's nowhere near that. I guess I was mad at the fact that she figured me out. And I like Jasmine, so of course when I saw her flirting with my brother, it triggered me. "Stop stalking her bruh.", Elom said behind me.
"Nobody is stalking her.", I say as I scroll through Instagram some more.

"You're on her page, dummy.", Elom chuckled. I cut my phone off. "Mind ya business.", I say. "Why you so upset ? You the one that called her a thot.", Elom said. "I ain't mean it like that. She knew that.", I say, rolling my eyes. "You hurt her feelings.", Elom said as he sat next to me.

"Of course you know.", I say rolling my eyes. The thought of Jasmine and my brother kind of hurts. "Nigga, chill the fuck out !", Elom laughed. "You sitting here jumping to conclusions and assuming that me and Jasmine had a thing when that was never the case, man"

I looked at Elom and all he could do was laugh at me. "Trust me, if Jasmine wanted me, she could have me, but me and her are like brother and sister too. That's gross.", Elom said. I guess that makes things better. "Jasmine is seventeen and living her best life. You wanna be apart of it ? Then stop hoeing around."

Elom got up and then walked back into the house. I hate saying this but that little nigga was right. Jasmine has never hurt me, but I hurt her. And me and her aren't even together. I put my password into my phone and went back to her page. I start scrolling and stop once I land on a picture of Nick.

Her shark boy ? She moved on to Nick !? I get up from the pool and march into the house. "Where the fuck is Nick !?", I ask Austin, who was startled when I walked in. "I almost laid a god damn egg, Zion ! You scared the shit out of me !", Austin said. "I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood. Where is Nick ?", I ask Austin.

"He's in the studio with Ed and B. Why ?", Austin said. I huffed and started to walk towards the garage. "Wait ! Why ? What's going on ?", Austin asked as he ran after me. I roughly opened the door to the garage.

Brandon, Edwin, and Nick looked at me like I was crazy. "What the fuck, Nick ?", I yell as I go and push him. He almost falls down but he catches himself. "What's your problem ?", Nick asked me. "Really ? You're gonna act stupid ?!", I yell in his face. "Yo man, what's going on ?", Edwin asked as he tried to get in between us.

"You and Jasmine ? When the fuck did that happen ? You know I like her !", I yell. Nick chuckled in my face. "You like her ? Really ? You called her a thot only because she was hanging with Elom. You're covering up the fact that you are one !", Nick yelled in my face. "That's not true !", I say.

"It is and you know it. Leave her alone. You don't even deserve her. She has never hurt you but here you are, hurting her and you're not even her boyfriend.", Nick said to me. I drew my arm back and punched him in the face. Nick fell to the ground. Edwin and Austin hold me back.

"Fuck you, Nick ! You're supposed to be my brother !", I yell. Nick wipes the blood from his lip and then stands up. He claps his hand. "You really do like her.", Nick said. "I might as well tell you now." I looked at Nick. I was so confused. Nick and the boys had smirks on their faces.

"Me and Jasmine have nothing going on. We hung out, yes, but nothing happened. She likes you a lot, and we see you like her. We only hung out because we wanted to and we wanted to make you jealous.", Nick explained. "And it worked.", Edwin chuckled. I sighed. "What the fuck, you guys ? I just punched Nick in the face for nothing then.", I say, feeling bad.

"Man, I ate that shit.", Nick said. We all chuckled and laughed. "Anyways, I suggest you make things right with Jasmine, before it's too late, and one of us actually scoops in and knocks her off her feet.", Edwin said as he patted my shoulder. "Cause trust me, if any of us wanted her, we could have her.", Nick said, and the boys nodded. I roll my eyes and take my phone out to text her.

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