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Because actually Misaki was as possessive of Saruhiko as this one of him, only in a less showy way. Because he always assumed that Saruhiko would be with him and when he went out the first time he still monopolized his attention. Now, however, it has arrived the moment that Misaki is subjected for the first time to the flames of envy that on its day afflicted Saruhiko, even if his brain does not give him enough to extrapolate that, before, his best friend felt the same way.

And because I am a petty bastard and there will always be a part of me that even if it loves Misaki also wants to make him feel and go through the same as Saruhiko.

It was a normal summer day in Shizume: hot, busy, noisy. There were groups of teenagers with plans to have fun together, adults leaving various restaurants before heading to their respective jobs and children trying to convince their parents to take them to the amusement park moving through the center of the city.

It wasn't long before a sound similar to an explosion echoed in one of the nearby streets. There, a team of uniformed people had tried to contain a new strain as they used to; although they had achieved their goal, they hadn't emerged unscathed, especially a certain member, notably younger than the rest, with black hair and whose glasses had escaped flying in the middle of the exhibition.

"How are you, Fushimi-san?" inquired one of his companions, Hidaka Akira. Brown-haired, tall and muscled, he was a kind young adult who deeply respected the attacked, and despite his usual bad mood, could not help but worry about the teenager.

"I'm fine, thank you, Hidaka-san," was the young man's calm response as he accepted the glasses that had been brought to him by one of his colleagues, Akiyama.

After those words, a sudden silence spread among the members of Scepter 4. It was Fushimi himself who interrupted it when he finished standing up and addressed the rest of the people gathered there:

"Gotou-san, please secure the perimeter around the target, make sure you do not have chances of contacting potential helpers, are those wives insured? We do not want this powers to affect us." Hidaka-san, prepare the van, you will drive. Domyouji-san, take care to reassure civilians and redirect traffic. "

Slowly, a thought was shared among those present. "Whatever that strain has done to it, it's probably the best thing that ever happened to us." Or rather, that was the belief of Domyouji Andy. On the other hand, although this Fushimi seemed much more pleasant to Hidaka, he considered that his previous self, grumpy as it was, had a certain adorability that this new and not angry Fushimi lacked.

It certainly made working with him much easier.

Over the next few weeks the members of Scepter 4 became aware that the effect that strain had had on Saruhiko was much greater than they could have imagined, transcendental. Domyouji had tried with all his might to irritate him to provoke one of those annoyances that had frightened him so much in the past, but without results; Fushimi just smiled and told him that if he did not work properly he would be deducted from the salary.

That calm reaction frightened them much more.

For his part, Munakata was at first delighted with that new third in command: he didn't scold him acidly when he was not focused on serious matters, getting to the point of sometimes joining him in his games. However, he did not get irritated at losing to his King, he just smiled and reminded him that they had duties to fulfill now that they had finished playing. He did not return objective answers full of sarcasm -a private language that Munakata had appreciated tremendously in his own way. He now participated in the sessions to socialize with the rest of the Blue Clan.

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