04 | DEATH

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04 | D E A T H

I took a deep breath and attempted to subtly steady myself, my stomach reeling from the unusual travel method we'd taken once again.

I took a deep breath in and looked up to the great gothic, ceiling above us. I shivered as I gazed around and instinctively looked to the pristine marble floors beneath our feet.

I didn't miss this place one bit.

"The alarms haven't gone off, so our presence is undetected... For now," Emmett cleared his throat, his gaze flickering to the end of the long and wide empty hall stretching out before us. "They're in the throne room. We'll need to be quiet and swift if we want to make it before they find us. I'll mask our scents." When I noticed his amber eyes glaze over and glow slightly, I knew he was silently casting a spell. "Done," he noted, catching my gaze. "I don't miss this place either," he abruptly murmured, sensing my unease.

A humourless laugh slipped from my lips at his words.

"I was a slave here, Emmett. You were a Prince," I emotionlessly stated, my gaze once again dropping to the floors I used to scrub clean as a child.

"I-I know," Emmett murmured. "We should go," his expression hardened once again and he wordlessly turned his back on us, striding toward the large, oak wooden doors at the end of the hall.

"Where are the guards?" I asked in a whisper once we'd pushed through the doors and entered into another empty hall.

"They're attending another matter," Emmet explained. "Well...I've made them think there's something else going on. It's easy to manipulate the minds of unsuspecting people when you know the right spell -or in my case, create the right spell."

"Easy, huh?" I muttered, unconsciously reaching up to touch the necklace he'd given me so long ago. As my fingers grazed against the cool metal, a single thought floated throughout my mind, igniting my curiosity.

If he can create spells, especially of that caliber, just how powerful is he?

"I can't manipulate yours, just so you know, Eliana," he muttered as we effortlessly swept down the empty halls. "You're my mate so your mind is the one I can't touch," he cleared his throat awkwardly as he finished speaking.

When he raised his hand, we instinctively stopped where we stood, our training immediately kicking in.

"They know we're here," Emmett cocked his head to the side, obviously confused as he watched the doors before us. "They were expecting us."

"They were?" I whispered, wavering when Emmett looked over his shoulder to me, his expression cold and emotionless. When he held his hand out, I hesitated, wondering if this was all one giant mistake.

Though if I turned back now, we'd all be thrown in prison.

I sighed softly and carefully placed my hand in his, desperately attempting to calm my racing heart as my fingers tingled from his warm touch.

"Ready?" he asked, though I was sure he didn't expect, nor want, an answer. When I nodded, we stepped forward, hand-in-hand. Then, without any prompting from us, the large doors slowly creaked open to reveal the one room I'd never been allowed to enter.

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