GROWL (+17)

368 22 2

A pair of hands grabbed Momo by the shoulder, pulling her from the ground with a loud growl.

Momo could feel the muscles, the strength put into such small motion until she found herself over someone's shoulder. She  couldn't recognize the smell, but the way they held her felt somewhat familiar. Especially when a hand came to pat her back.

"I can't believe you did this!" the woman had never seen someone this angry, fists clutching and teeth grinding down onto each other.

"D-Did what?" Momo whined when she was pushed against the wall, legs going weak when meeting her gaze.

The woman chuckled lowly, brows furrowed so much her eyes dissapeared behind them. She was overflowing with strength, power. There was a full moon tonight.

"You're reeking of someone's else scent," Tzuyu whispered to Momo's ear "Good girls don't let other wolves touch them."

Momo shook when Tzuyu pressed her hand to her throat, fingers pushing into the skin of it's base before she wrapped her palm around it.

"I-" Momo gasped as the younger choked her, feeling lightheaded and like Tzuyu was sucking all of the oxygen from her lungs.

The brunette laughed, letting her breathe before grabbing her wrists to pin on top of her head.

"Let's mark you up, shall we?" white pearls bit onto Momo's earlobe, thin lips attacking that spot behind her ear that had the older going crazy "I have to show them that you're mine."

Tzuyu let Momo's hand go, smiling when the woman didn't try go push her away and only moaned when she moved to kiss down her neck and chest. Tzuyu had to cover every little spot on Momo, she had to leave her scent everywhere so any wolf would know who she belonged to.

"Please." the raven head whispered, fingers pushing into the scalp of Tzuyu's head.

A growl of satisfaction spilled from Tzuyu's lips who pulled away, throwing Momo's shirt over her head in a heartbeat. With hooded eyes, she looked up at the woman, licking her lips before she bit on her bra and pulled it down her chest.

"Please what?" the brunette breathed over the skin of Momo's breasts, the pair of thin lips kissing and leaving marks all over it.

"Just," Momo moaned as she pulled on Tzuyu's hair "Move lower."

Laughing, the younger raised her head to meet Momo's eyes again. She felt her animal form taking over, the power deep within her was about to break free.

"Shut the fuck up!" the slap echoed through the room as Tzuyu stumbled back, slouching and gripping at her stomach. The growls she had tried to push back were now getting louder and she screamed, body quavering as she changed forms.

Momo gasped, but the burning feeling in between her legs was only getting stronger. It was suddenly becoming unbearable. Especially when Tzuyu's lips moved lower and lower, kissing and biting all over her stomach, her tongue coming to soothe the stinging her teeth left.

"Will you ever do this again, Momo?" Tzuyu cooed, hot breath fanning over the spot Momo needed her the most.

"I won't, I really won't," the older cried as she tried to push Tzuyu's head towards her "Please, keep going. Please."

It wasn't a lie Tzuyu wanted it too. Her mouth watered at the thought of marking her partner so much that everyone could smell her scent from miles away. She was desperate to feel the older's skin against her own, hold down her hips as she cried. Tzuyu loved this, she loved driving Momo crazy. She loved watching her trying to keep her voice down, pushing the tears that threaded to spill from her eyes back in. There wasn't a better feeling, nothing better than Momo's shaky hands trying to push her away after her fourth climax, when she was so overstimulated and overwhelmed she passed out.

"You're mine," Tzuyu's long nails dipped into the fair flesh of her hips, breaking the skin there as she marked her everywhere "Mine, mine, mine."

Momo was finally outside of the white room and in a dark hallway, the person tightly holding her over their shoulder hurrying to somewhere. They were quiet, didn't talk at all. The only thing the raven head could make out was heavy breathing, the sound of air going in and out of their flared nostrils and her own heart beating loudly.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked in a shaky, raspy voice. Momo could barely talk, she didn't have the strength to open her eyes.

She didn't expect the person carrying her to talk, she didn't even know why she asked. Momo wasn't sure of anything at this point. It might as well be fake, all of this. Her getting out of that room, feeling the air softly blow on her face, the moonlight illuminating even behind her closed eyelids.

"Do you trust me?" a voice spoke and the blood in Momo's veins froze.


A/N: This is the closest to a smut you're getting.

Also, since a lot of people wanted it, I might as well continue this. There won't be more than four-five chapters though.

(Edit: This was originally published through my AO3 account. Updates for this will mostly be posted there)


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