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If you know me, you rather see me as nerd than as person. I'm not that type of guy to hang out with. I'm not that boy, who is sitting with the other people. I'm a bit of a murderer. Murderer of fantasy. Fantasy, a thing, you imagine just to kill the pain of your life, a thing to forget about everything around you. If you know me, you should go away, see me as the person I just described. It's better for you, to don't know anything further than this. I destroy imagination, because my imagination is way worse. Think of your worsed nightmare, of your craziest horrible feeling and your not even getting close. The thought of living in this imagination is the most horrible thing for me, even worse than living forever and seeing people being born, living and dying. If there was anything more horrificating than that thoughts, it would be tomorrow's nightmares of my fantasy.

Hey guys,
Probably I'll publish every second month a new part in English. Pleas tell me if you find mistakes, so I can fix them. The freqency of publication in german is written below the first part. Hope you enjoy.

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