Chapter 16 The date

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Y/n pov

Thank god Last night Audrey didn't Ask me to many questions about what happens in Mr. Loomis classroom.

I sigh

"You're ready?" mom asked

"Yeah" I replied heading into the police station.

We see detective Lorraine Brock standing at the door waiting for us.

She looks this way to see us

"Miss Prescott you're ready to talk?" detective Brock asked.

"Yeah" I replied

"Sweetheart, I will be here waiting for you okay" Mom said

I nod and walked into the office with her.

Time skip police station

Y/n pov

We discuss everything that happens suddenly detective Brock said "I understand someone was calling you".

"What?" I asked

"I read the incident reports now I know that you doubted Tyler was the killer. You were right so what did this person have to say?" detective Brock asked me waiting for me to answer

I look right at my mom and look right back at my hands not looking up at her.

"Y/n?" detective Brock asked me again.

"Uh, nothing. It was just some Ghostface crank trying to scare me I overreacted" I replied with a chuckle.

"Did you know Rachael Murray?" detective Brock asked

"No. We have a mutual friend" I replied.

"Audrey Jensen" detective Brock Said

"Yeah, she is my best friend" I Said.

"Three of the victims were clearly related but Rachael Murray's staged suicide it's an anomaly. Well it seems as though the killer wanted to send a message that only the medical examiner would get" detective Brock said.

"Well you'd have to ask Emma mom about that" I said

"That's right let's talk about your dad and the photo was found at that hospital these aren't all coincidences y/n are they?" detective Brock asked.

"No, I told you everything can I go now" I replied.

"Yeah you can go" detective Brock said

I got up and left uncle Dewey office

"How did it go?" Mom asked

"Everything went fine can we just go home" I replied.

"Yeah, of course, sweetie" mom said as we left the station and start headed home.

We got out of the car and headed inside as mom making dinner for us.

I went to my room to watch a movie on my laptop suddenly my phone started ringing

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