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~Kaliah's POV~

"Why'd you bring izzy?" I asked Denise as we fixed our makeup in the bathroom

Denise: "Zo was being petty so I decided to be petty too"

"But what you did isn't gonna affect Zo"

Denise just shrugged her shoulders so I reapplied my lip stick and left

She was being fucking stupid

Izzy: "hey" she said as I walked past her

I gave her a small smile thinking that she was goin into the bathroom but nope she started walking beside me

Izzy: "I know everyone's all hostile about me being here but I really am happy for Gelo"

"That sounds like something Gelo should be hearing" I said plainly

Izzy: "I've talked to him already and I apologized to his wife if I made her feel uncomfortable, that really wasn't my intention. If I had know Denise only invited me to get back at Zo I wouldn't have came, honestly"

"Okay" I said as I kept walking hoping she'd leave

Izzy: "so Melos finally settled down" she said with small laughter

"Yup and he loves her too"

Izzy: "that's amazing, I see they have a kid" she smiled

"Yeah he's adorable, looks just like him"

Izzy: "hats his girlfriends name? I haven't gotten to talk to her yet but I didn't wanna address her not call her by her name"


Izzy: "cool, I'll catch you later" she nodded then walked away

Melo: "what was that about?" He asked as I sat down at the table

"She said that she apologized for being here and that if she knew that Denise was bringing her here to be spiteful she wouldn't have agreed to come"

Melo and mel looked at each other basically telepathically asking each other if the believed her story

Mel: "I believe her because she wouldn't have even knew about the wedding unless one of us told her since no one posted about it"

Melo: "is it bad that I want you to beat Denise's ass?" He asked Mel

Mel: "yes" she laughed

Liam: "mommy I'm sleepy, when are we getting cake?" He whined as he fell to the floor

Mel: "when ever uncle Gelo decided to cut the cake"

That was all Liam needed to hear and now he was having a full blown tantrum

Mel just put her head down as Liam caused a scene

Melo: "come on, there a bakery down the street. We'll go buy some cake BUT only if you get up"

Liam whipped his tears and stood right back up

Liam: "pick me up please?" He said as he reached his arms out

Melo: "Nah nigga! I'm buying the cake you gon walk yo ass there big pimpin" he laughed

Liams little lip started to quiver and his eyes swelled up with tears as he put his little arms down slowly

Liam: "Okay" he said lowly with a small sad smile

Melo: "aw fuck that come here" he said as he picked him up

Liam snuggles his head into the crook of Melos neck as melo rubbed his back

Liam: "can mommy come too?" He asked as he lifted his head up

Melo: "mommy wants to stay here with aunt liah"

Liam: "oh" he said as he put his head back down

Mel pouted

Mel: "of course I'll come pumpkin" she said as she stood up

Liam: "aunty liah can guard our table like a knight"

"I'll guard it with my life" I said as I played along

Gelo: "where y'all goin?" He asked as him and jaden walked over

Mel: "Liam wants cake"

Gelo: "there's cake on the table" he said in a duh type of tone

Jaden: "babe we haven't cut it yet"

Melo: "what flavor is it?"

Gelo: "chocolate"

Mel: "yeahhh he cant eat that, the chocolate is added sugar"

Melo: "and if you think he's off the wall now just wait till you spike his sugar meter up"

Mel: "he'll be up til tomorrow night" she laughed

Jaden: "okay but hurry back"

Melo and Mel nodded before leavening the venue

"Did Izzy come talk to y'all?"

Gelo: "yeah she explained her reason behind coming and she apologized for making jaden uncomfortable"

Jaden: "I told her I wasn't mad at her and that it wasn't her fault. I blame Denise for bringing her...without telling us"

Gelo: "we don't care that she's here since she isn't causing any drama, we're just upset at the reason she was brought here"

Jaden: "which was out of spite"

Gelo: "she even bought a gift so we're cool on her"

"How's Zo handling it?"

Jaden: "he's completely ignoring what she did"

Gelo: "I've seen him casual ig talking to izzy but I've only seen him talk to Denise if it had something to do with zoey"

I shook my head

I honestly can't believe she's done this

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