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~Jalen's POV~

"Did you have fun today?" I asked jada as I handed her her plate

Jada nodded as she grabbed her fork

Icelynn: "so who were those girls I met earlier jay?" She asked me as we sat down at the dinner table

"My teammate's wife and her best friend"

Icelynn: "oh." She said as she started eating

I was about dig into my food until I realized that ivy hadn't texted me at all since I left which was completely unlike her.

I excused myself from the table and went to call ivy....it went straight to voicemail which was weird

I shrugged it off and sat back down at the table

Icelynn: "ya know we still haven't went over the wedding arrangements" she complained

"Next week"

Icelynn: "you've been saying that for the last year"

"We'll get around to it" I lied

Once we all finished our dinner me and Icelynn gave jada her bath then tucked her into bed

Jada: "daddy can you stay the night?" She asked me

"I'm sorry princess but daddy has to go home"

Jada: "why can't you live with us?"

Icelynn gave me the Yeah why can't you? Look

She's been asking me to move in for the past year and I kept declining her offer.

I was fine living with ivy.

I kissed jada and Icelynn goodbye the hopped in my car to go home

I stopped at the pawn shop and bought a small diamond necklace then stopped by the flower shop and got some roses

"Eh this will do" I said as I got back into the car and headed home

The drive home was so soothing but I knew once I got home I'd have to hear ivy complain about me goin to practice so much

I pulled into the driveway but the garage was closed...we never close it unless everybody is leaving

I assumed she went to hang out with Mel or something so I just parked by The curb

"It's trash day already?!" I asked myself as I seen hella trash bags at the curb

I shook my head and grabbed the house key.

All the lights were off so that confirmed my suspicion that no one was home

I went to turn the key but it wouldn't turn

"The hell?!" I said to myself before knocking on the door

I knocked for about 4 minutes

"Why the hell am I knocking if no ones home?" I asked myself

I called ivy again but it went straight to voicemail

I texted her phone and it went to delivered but after 3 more minutes there was no response

The Perfect Life~ a lamelo ball love storyWhere stories live. Discover now