Wet dream

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              ( Kirishima's POV )

I was sitting on my big comfy bed, scrolling through Bakugou's Instagram late at night, with my ankle crossed over the other, sipping slowly on my orange soda. A few minutes later I heard a loud knock on my average sized door, who could that be? it's really late at night geez.                       I wondered to myself as I sighed, and quickly got up to answer the door.

 I went to the door, and reached for the door handle, but just before I could grab the knob Bakugou quickly busted in with a slight rage on his face, and put his hands on my face, quickly touching his lips to mine, quickly making a deep kiss. I slowly went with it, and kissed back...

Just then I quickly awoke from my so peaceful dream I wished would have actually happened , I just didn't want it to end one bit. 

I looked down at my wet spot on my pants near my dick, and quickly jumped up and checked my sheets, relived to see they where dry as ever.  

Quickly, I went to my closet and opened the closet doors, and quickly picked out a pair of different black sweat-pants, and grabbed some black boxers with a light gray waist-band.                At a normal pace I walked back over to my bed and set the clothes down on the untouched sheets, and stripped down my whole bottom half of my body and slipped on the boxers, and sweat-pants. I slowly sat back down in my bed, and went on my phone again thinking of shooting Bakugou a text.

       ( Bakugou's POV )

I slowly awoke from a nice deep sleep and unsure but decided to grab my phone, and have the nerve to text Eijiro hey. Kirishima quickly responded with hey, what's up dude!                                      I quickly shot back with nothing much how bout you? just to play it off smooth.                                     

   ( Kirishima's POV )

I hesitantly texted Bakugou, Hey bro, can I come over right now I know it's a bad time and it's morning but I really need to get something off my chest if that's alright?                                                    It took a few minutes for him to respond but he texted back with yeah, whatever shitty-hair.

I quickly got up and grabbed my phone, and a protein bar just in case I got hungry, which I was a bit. I quickly went over to near my door, and quickly slipped on my blue slippers, and excitedly opened the door walking to Bakugou's door i got really nervous not having anything planned to say. I got to Baku's dorm door which is beside mine, and nervously, and hesitantly knocked lightly.

      ( Bakugou's POV )

I was still sitting on my bed playing on my phone, when just then I heard a light knock on my door. I quickly got up from my bed, and went to the door and slowly opened the shitty thing, it screeching open to Ei's dumb, cute face.                                                                                                                     "hey" Kirishima said in a nervous tone "come in if you come here to hang out, dumb-hair"              Kirishima slowly walked in my dorm, and laid back on my bed with me rolling my eyes after. 

I creaked the door closed and turned around to Ei staring at me, and he quickly looked away from me like he was in love or some shit. I quickly came, and sat next to him, and looked at his cute face getting a little bit of a sickening feeling in my stomach.

    ( Kirishima's POV )

I slowly sat up next to Bakugou, putting my hand on his shoulder "hey, Kat?" I asked nervously      "yeah?" he looked at me having a slight blush on his face, looking me in the eyes as I sighed            "this is really hared to say but-" I got cut off by my voice cracking. "What is it?" he asked in a curious tone "I-I?!" Bakugou put his hand on my thigh "Eijiro, what are you trying to say?"              I sighed once more, and had the erg to say.....

                   (To be continued... 

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