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"where are you going?"

the small boy jolted at the sudden voice.

"uh.. garden." 

"now, that's a lie." namjoon laughed at him, patting his head as he gazed at the small shoulder bag that hugged his skinny torso. 

"fine.. library." 

"ooh. why? i thought you liked my books." he pouted at the younger male. 

".. i'm going to borrow books about.. mirrors."

"ah, mirrors?" he smiled at the younger as he pats his head once more. "sure, go ahead. if you can't find any, take a look at taehyung's."

yoongi nodded his head, smiling back at the other.

let's see...

how to clean mirrors... how to fix mirrors.... how to make mirrors...

the history of mirrors?


"where.. could.."

"whatcha lookin' for, kid?"

i looked to my right, seeing kim taehyung from the mirror shop. his hair was unusually tidy today, but his glasses were the same circular ones.

"oh.. uhm.."

"are you finding information about that cursed mirror, maybe?" he smirked at the boy, ruffling his hair short after.

yoongi shyly nods at this, embarrassed that he was kind of curious about a mirror.

"no need to be shy, it's always fun to find out about mysteries and legends~" he says, as he starts to observe the bookshelves.

yoongi thought he was pretty- extremely pretty for a man. does he have parents? what do they look like? maybe they look similar..?

"here ya go!"

taehyung places two books on the boy's hands, showing off his signature smile.

"uhm.. but these are just.. books about taking care of mirrors."


".. point is..?"

the shop owner looks at him with a puzzled look. "hmm? i want you to take care of it."

"but.. i wanted to know more about the mirror."

"there is no written information about that, silly. 'course, it's sorta a significant event but no one was really interested in writing about it due to the fact that they might get punished for it."

"oh.." the boy responds with a disappointed look.

"ah, don't look all depressed! maybe the legend is true. and to find out, i figured you should do it yourself by taking care of it. treat it more like a friend than just an ordinary object."

the boy nods with agreement. "okay, i will."

"how was it?" namjoon asks yoongi, gazing down at one of the books he borrowed. 

" i met taehyung in the library."

"ooh what a coincidence. dinner is ready, so come whenever you're done changing."



my writing is so bad

sometimes i forget that yoongi uses a wheelchair :/

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