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This book is mine. If you copy it in any way without my permission, you are committing copyright and that is a crime.

This book is fictional. The names that I use are not anyone's real name, and if coincidentally someone has the same name as one of my characters, I apologize and if you feel offended in any way, click off because I am not going to change my characters names. The only "real names" that I will use are the same of some angels; e.x.: Lucifer, Uriel. If anyone wants to ask if any of the names are made up or real, message me so we can clear everything

The states in by book, some of the places are real and some are fake. Huston, Texas is a real place, but Milldes, New Jersey is not a real place.

There will be chapters where mature things happen. If a chapter is mature, or a part of it I feel some people will think is mature, I will put this next to the chapter title- ♦️. If you get to it and don't want to read it, skip it or stop reading the book.

Finally, just don't copy my book in any way and thank you for choosing my story, I hope you enjoy.

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