drum sticks

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Sylvia's POV
Steven got us plane tickets to Dallas so thats where we are headed. "Seth wake up we are gonna go see Daddy!" I told him. He sprang up he is just like Steven with a shit ton of energy in the morning. He ran into Scarlet's room.

"Sissy! We are going to see daddy wake up!" He said shaking her. She groaned but got up. Shes like me not a morning person. We packed the night before and Tommy should be here to pick us up soon. I quickly made waffles for me and the kids than made 2 more since Tommy is always hungry. Seth and Scarlet started squealing.

"UNCLE TOMMY THE CANDY MAN!" they yelled watching him pull in front of the house. They really love Tommy  because he ALWAYS gives them candy.  Tommy walked right in because he has a key.

"WHATS UP KIDDOS!" he yelled giving them each a bag of candy. I laughed at him. "Ooo waffles!" He said taking one.

"I knew you would do that so i made extra!" I told him. He laughed.

"You know me so well!" He said ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes and the phone rang.

"It's probably Steven can you answer it Tommy?" I asked he nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hey baby!" He said trying to imitate my voice. I laughed at him. "I can't wait to kiss your beautiful fucking face!" He continued. I laughed harder. Tommy stopped talking because Steven was talking i assumed. "Fine it's Tommy!" He told him. I snatched the phone from him.

"Hey Stevie!" I said. He was still laughing at Tommy.

"Hey babygirl! I can't wait to kiss your beautiful fucking face!" He said copying Tommy. I laughed.

"We will be there soon!" I told him.

"I can't wait!" He replied. I heard glass shatter and Tommy curse. He's so fucking clumsy.

"Me either but i gotta go babe Tommy's clumsy ass is breaking shit!" I told him. He laughed.

"Bye see you soon!" He said.

"Bye Stevie!" I said hanging up the phone. "Tommy lee what the hell did you do!" I yelled at him.

"I accidentally knocked a plate off the counter!" He answered. I handed him the broom and dustpan.

"Clean it up!" I said. He nodded and started sweeping up the glass. "Your worse than the kids." I mumbled.

"Heard that!" He responded.

"Well it's true!" I shot back. He laughed and flipped me the bird. I laughed and went to get our suit cases in the car while Tommy cleaned up his mess.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked. I looked around.

"Yup i think so! Scarlet, Seth it's time to go see Daddy!" I yelled. They both came barreling down the stairs. Tommy chuckled.  We all walked to Tommy's car. I buckled the kids in and we began driving to the airport.

"And now the new #1 song by Mötley Crüe, Dr.Feelgood!" The raidio guy said and Tommy's face lit up. He cranked the radio up and sang along with Vince's voice.

"Rat tailed jimmy was second hand hood deals out in hollywood! Gotta 65 chevy with primered flames traded for some powdered goods! He's the one they call Dr.Feelgood! He's the one who makes ya feel allright! Hes the one I call the Dr.Feelgood!"

When the song ended Tommy tirned down the radio. "CAN YOU FICKING BELIEVE THAT WE ARE #1!" he said excitedly. I laughed.

"It's a good song I'm proud of you guys!" I told him. He smiled like a little kid.

"Thanks Sylvia!" He responded. Soon enough we arrived at the airport. Tommy waited with us until they called our flight. He hugged both the kids.

"I love you kiddos you be good for mommy!" He told them. I smiled all the guys are so good with them. He gave me hig too. All drummers are huggers. "I love ya Sylvia! Make sure you tell Steven I'm still a better drummer than him!" He added. I laughed.

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