181: heart break

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i like to think there's a little room in my heart,
it says your name on a sign,
and has a little rocking chair in there,
with a plate of chocolate chip cookies,
a vase of roses,
with a dustpan,
and cobwebs on everything.

theres pictures on the walls,
of memories past,
of you and me,
planning a future together,
with pocket.

that room is filled with cobwebs,
the lights don't work anymore,
the roses are wilted,
the cookies are stale,
the room doesn't have light anymore,
but it waits for you,
and so do i.

it's been five months,
and i'm still not over you,
three months since we last talked,
since you told me you don't want me in your life anymore,
and i'm still heartbroken.

i still ache and hurt,
but i still hope,
one day,
you'll come home to the room,
and i'll see pocket,
and you,
and i'll smile bigger than before,
and feel happy.

maybe we'll play slime rancher,
or minecraft,
or talk,
i just hope,
you'll come back,
i miss you,
nothing has felt right since you left,
but i know you don't care,
i just hope you hear that i miss you,
because one day,
i hope i'll see you again,
the old you,
the one i was in love with.

i miss you,
i miss the you i was in love with,
because i was happy,
we were happy,

i still love you,
i still miss you,
tell pocket,
and cheyenne i say hi,

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