Chapter 4

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Lauren's pov

It felt good telling Lisa about mason. I know that I can always go to her if I need help. I know I have to open up to everyone else. I just don't know if I should do it one by one or all together.

Lisa said a good point when coming to protection. I me I am one of the younger siblings. But I feel that I should be protecting them too. I'm not that young that I need to be the one who's always protected. I need to start protecting the people I love. There is always a chance that Mason can find me here in LA and hurt me and my family.

Most importantly I need to be able to defend myself. I want to have the power and ability to kick someone's butt if I need to.

My thoughts break away when Lisa Says were home. I get out of the car and I see Mike is home from work! I walk into the house and go into the kitchen where Christina and Mike are cooking. Lisa comes in behind me and Ames and Kath come in for water.

Hey guys I say

They all stop what they are doing and look at me. I look down at the floor

It's ok lo says Lisa

What up sweetheart says Mike

Something wrong babygirl?

I want to take self defense classes. I say slowly

Ok! We will get you a personal trainer says Mike

Thank you! I say hugging Mike

I then go to hug Christina amy Kath and Lisa

I walk out of the kitchen and out in the backyard. I walk over to the trampoline and I just lay there. I end up falling asleep.

I get woken up by a voice. It's a deep voice. I open my eyes to see Alex

Time for dinner he says

I'm not hungry I say

Are you feeling ok? He asks

No I feel sick I say

He comes on the trampoline and picks me up and carries me In the house, up the stairs and onto my bed. He kisses my forhead

Feel better he says

Thanks I say

He leaves and I fall asleep

Lisa's pov

We just finished cleaning up after dinner. Lauren didn't eat which was weird because we had pasta and pasta is her favorite. We are all watching a movie when I hear noises from upstairs.

No stop! Please! Yells Lauren

Ames and Kath stay here with the younger ones says Mike

Mike, Christina, Alex and I run up the stairs and into Lauren's room. She was on her bed. She was having a nightmare. She was crying and panting. I had to shake her awake. I pulled her into my arms and she cried into my chest. Everyone but Christina and I goes back downstairs.

I feel Lauren's breathing slow and she's asleep.

She's asleep I say

Ok can I stay? Asks Christina

Yeah go ahead I say

I lay Lauren down on her bed and I start to get up when someone grabs my hand. I look down to see Lauren's big brown eyes looking at me.

Stay with me please she says

I nod and lay down next to her. She snuggles into my chest and I can feel her crying again. I hold her tight and she stops crying and is asleep again. I look over to see Christina asleep on her bed. Amy walks in and sees us

What's up Ames? I ask

Just making sure you guys are ok she says

We're good thanks for checking up on us I say

No problem good night she says

Good night I say

She walks out. She looks sad. She's not bubbly and happy like she normally is. I make a mental note to talk to Chrissy and Kath tomorrow. I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I fall asleep.

Skipping two weeks
Still in Lisa's pov

I feel really bad for Lauren. She's had nightmares everynight. She hasn't been sleeping well and she started public school two weeks ago. I can tell she hates it. I wish that we could just homeschool her and the other ones like we normally did. I'm glad Amy and Alex are there to be there and protect her. They might be in different grades but they are still there for each other. Alex is a senior, Amy is a junior and Lauren in a freshman.

Amy hasn't been herself. I decided to wait a few weeks to tell Christian and Kath.

I get out of bed and go downstairs. The kids are already at school so I walk into the kitchen.

Christina and Katherine are the only ones in there.

Hey lise says Christina

Hey Chrissy hey Kath I say

What's up? Asks Katherine

It's about- I get cut off by Christina

Amy? She says

Yeah I say

I'm glad I'm not the only one says Christina

Me too I say

She hasn't been her bubbly self says Christina

I'll talk to her says Christina

Christina and Amy have a special bond with each other. It's like Lauren's and mine. Same with Kath and Dani's. If we ever think something's wrong and we need to talk to someone about that person we know who to go to. Chances are that they already know or have taken notice to it too.

We all sit down and talk for a while. After we finish talking I go upstairs and shower and get ready for the day.

When I'm all done I come back downstairs

Lisa! Can you come with me to go pick up Amy, Lauren, Alex and Dani please! Says Christina

I'll go get the boys says Katherine

We all go to the car and we leave. We wait out front and Amy and Alex come. I roll down the window

Where's Lauren? I ask

She's not at home? Asks Alex

I haven't seen her all day says Amy in a sad tone

Chris go to the office and ask. Alex and Amy lets go see if we can find Lauren.

Christina goes to the office and we look around.

I'm about to turn a corner when i hear.....


Hola chicos de cielo!!! Taylor me deja actualizar su historia! Pido disculpas por la suspensión del acantilado!!!!!!
Me pregunto ¿qué es la vuelta de la esquina.
¿Alguna idea de lo que podría ser la vuelta de la esquina?

Comentario a continuación o DM si tienes ideas!!

Espero que todo el mundo está teniendo un domingo increíble!!

Adios amigo!!


Hey guys it's sky!!!! Taylor let me update her story! I apologize for the cliff hanger!!!
I wonder what's around the corner?
Any ideas to what could be around the corner?

Comment below or DM if you have ideas!!

I hope everyone has a good Sunday!!


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