1. Intro

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’Melissa!?’ my mother shouted once more from downstairs.

With every inch of power I had in me I got up from my way to comfortable bed, ’Melissa?! Don’t make me come up the-’ I heard my mother shout befor I managed to interrupt her midsentence.

 ’Ugh, realx! I’m up!’ I barked and got up from the bedside, making my way to the bathroom.

’Don’t you use that tone with me young lady!’ I heard my mother shout, without bothering to anwser I grinned my face, pleased to know she would not see me.

 *Only one semester left, then I’m out of here* my inner voice said as I glanced upon the mirror, digging my fingers truout my messy hair befor putting a comb into it. This was going to be a long ass Friday.

 * * 

 ’So?’ A soft femal voice stepped up behind me, almost making me jump at the spot, ’Clair?! You scared me!’ I teased and poked a finger in here shoulder. A simpel smile fought the way upon her lips. ’So?’ She repeated, looking at me with those big brown eyes I always found myself being so yelous of. ’So?’ i questioned raising an eyebrow as I caught a hold of the historybook in my locker.

’You and Chaz?! Did you guys have fun?!’ her faced hold a huge grin as she stood next to me, waiting for an answer.

’I ugh, I – Yeah I guess’ I studdered an closed the locker and walked passed her with a half smile.

 I almost hade forgotten my date with Chaz Saturday night. Chaz Roberts. I tasted the name upon my lips. He was a really sweet guy. Captain of the fotball team here at East High and came from a very well known family. Both his parents were very high paid laywers, something my mother was thrilled about and didänt have any sayin’ when I asked for her permission about the date. ’Did you guys have fun?’ Clairs words echoed in my head. Sure, we had fun. Had dinner at an very fancy and expensive restaurant, walked around town just talking. Nothing more nothing less. He did’nt even tried to kiss me, and when I thought about it, it made me a little confused. Mayby he was trying to be an gentleman but sti-

’Earth to Melissa?’ a waved infrnt of my face, waking my from my daydream, ’What?’ I snapped.

’I – I was just talking to you, what were you thinking about? - Chaz? ’ A smile cam upon her lips, her eyes sparkled in the mentions of Chaz.

’No I .. I just tried to remember what class I have now’ I lied. 

’Well , duh ..’ she said and took the book from my hand and tingled with it thru thin air.

 ’Oh’ I laughed. Totally of guard. Clair didn’t seem to pleasant with my answer raising an eyebrow.

’Yeah , yeah princess. See you for lunch’ Clair said short before turning around and walked away.

* *

’Good morning class’ Mr.Benedict, our history teacher greeted us while walking up to the front row for class. A few  ’morning’ ’Hey’ echoed through the room and Mr. Benedict seemed pleased with the respons he got.

’Today we are going to do something different, we are going to pair up at groups of two and I want you to select an element that you will be working on for the next two months. This will have a huge role upon your final grade and you will represent the final work in front of you-’


Mr. Benedict was suddenly interrupted with a few sigh trough the room when the door opened and a tall boy entered, looking a bit out of his element with a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt hidden under a grey hoodie, his hair was light brown and a bit messy, like he woke up just two minutes ago.

Mr. Benedict looked at him, a bit confused at first before waving a hand over the room, ’ Go ahead, take a seat’. The boy or should a say man? I don’t know, glanced through the classroom, upon the people who didn’t say a word, before his eyes met mine, dark hazelnut exposed eyes, giving me shills through the spine before glancing down at the empty seat next to mine, making his way towards me and settling himself down without a word.

Mr. Benedict continued speaking but I couldn’t her him anymore. All I heard was the unnamed boy next to me, his breathing increased as he layed his hand down his thighs and fiddled with his phone under the table without even bothering to pay attention towards Mr.Benedict. Who was he?

I caught myself staring at him, mayby for a split second when he suddenly turned his face torwards me, hazelnut eyes gazed into my blue, ’It’s rude to stare’ he spoke softly, a dark crumblet voice and I could tell him hiding a smile in the corner of his lips. My head snapped towards Mr.Benedict again and though I really tried to concentrate on what he was saying, I couldn’t. I could feel the hazelnut eyez staring at me at the corner of my eye, I shiver ran trough my body. I felt like I was going to suffocate.  When I tried to speak up the bell began to ring, indicating that class was over.

 ’Miss. Evans’ a dark voice said, my eyes fell upon Mr. Benedict, ’Y-Yes?’ I stuttered. ’Did you hear what I said?’ he questioned looking at me with a smile upon his face.

I was Mr. Benedict favorite student, I knew I was. And what had happened today in class, when I for the first time didn’t listen and got distracted I felt a bit anxious.

I shoked my head, ’Sorry Mr. Benedict’ I sad and collected my books in front of me, the entire class had almost made their way out of the room, and there I stood. With that mysterious un-named boy right next to me. What was he still doing here?

’I said that you will be working with ..’ he began and raised a paper infront of him, trying to read behind the glasses ’Mr. Bieber, Justin Bieber and your subject will be Shakespear’ a smile fell on his lips.

’Who is that?’  I questioned a bit confused,

 ’Who? Shakespeare?’ the crumblet voice beside me spoke up and I turned my head against him, he stood up from the chair he previously had sat on and fiddled with his grey hoddie, his eyes still focused on me.

’I suggest you to get to know eachother because you can’t change partner’ Mr. Benedict said before leaving the classroom as my mouth fell down in the shape of an ’o’. What? 

I looked at the boy, who’s name supposed to be Justin,- going towards the door before turning back, his eyes searching for mine before finding them, ’See you around princess’ and with that he left the room. Without a single look back.

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