My profile

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Just before I write this, you can tag me.

Name: Carissa (Ris, Chris) Wright

age: 15

Godly Parent: Hermes

Mortal Parent: Sofia Wright

personality: Sweet, brave, sarcastic, kind

looks: Caramel coloured short hair, freckled nose, rosy lips and dark brown eyes

Weapon: Feather fan that can turn into a fan with poisoned metal.

favourite food: Will always be supcream pizza.

likes: Hanging out with her half brothers Travis and Conner stoll, pranking Travis and Conner, swimming with the camp naiads, climbing the lava wall, going on quests and capture the flag.

dislikes: Luke, The Titans, b*tchy people like Drew and Claclice (idk) and Gaia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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