↳ lena luthor - the lab

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"(y/n), sh*t, babe." lena said, rushing over to you "I told you, you shouldn't have come in here." Long story, short:

Lena was working on something in the lab, but you missed her and wanted to see her. She told you not to come in, knowing that you tend to be a bit more on the clumsier side. You swore that nothing bad would happen and you wouldn't mess anything up. But now here you were, messing things up, just as Lena predicted.

Here's how it went down:
You walked into Lena's lab at the DEO. You missed her and wanted to see her, besides you loved seeing her do her work, she was incredibly smart and passionate about what she did. You absolutely loved this about her. You were looking at all of the weird, unfamiliar objects in the lab before Lena noticed you. "Babe, not now. I'm working on something." she said in a calm voice. "I know... but, i wanted to see you. I miss you. I don't get to see you as much, now that you're working on this project." you smiled, walking closer to her. "I know. And i miss you too, but we can do something tonight." she said with a warm smile. "Promise?" you said, not 100% trusting that she'd follow through. "Promise." she paused and turned back to what she was doing. "Now can you please go? No offense, babe, but I don't want you to get hurt or break anything in here." she said. "Well excuse me. No offense taken." you said with a sarcastic tone, making her giggle. "But can I just stay a little bit longer?" you asked, hoping for her to say yes. "Fine. But don't touch anything, okay?" she said looking at you with a serious expression. "I won't, I won't." you said, while you started to wander around the small lab that was set up at the DEO. You could see Lena keep on glancing over at you to make sure you weren't doing anything, you weren't supposed to be doing. Lena took her eye off of you for about two minutes before hearing you say "Ow" casually. You had somehow managed to cut yourself on some piece of equipment in the lab. Lena looked up at you and noticed that you were bleeding. "(y/n). sh*t. babe." she said rushing over to you. "I told you, you shouldn't have come in here." she said, somewhat frustrated now that you were bleeding all over the floor. "I'm fine, Lee. Go back to what you were doing I'll take care of it." you said, in a panic. "No, (y/n). This looks serious, I'm helping you. Don't argue on that."

Lena ended up having to rush you to the ER because of how much blood you were losing. You also ended up with 4 stitches in your hand. Lena came into the room and stood in front of you. "They said we can leave now." she said, kind of upset. She started to walk out of the room before you said, "Hey, Lena." you paused and she turned around, waiting for you to finish the sentence. "I'm really sorry, love. I should have listened to you. I should have left when you told me to. I'm sorry." you said, feeling guilty about what had happened. Lena looked at you, sighed, and sat down next to you. "It's fine." she said sincerely. "You just need to listen to me when I tell you things like that. Okay? I was afraid you were seriously injured. Please just listen to me next time." she said, with a sad smile, making you feel even guiltier. "Yes, i promise to listen next time, Lena. I feel horrible about worrying you and taking time from you work. I know it's important to you." you said with a loving, small smile. "Yes, work is important to me, but nothing is more important to me than you." she copied your loving, smiling expression. "I love you." she said, placing a quick kiss on your lips.

[ hi, i hope you enjoyed this imagine. please leave feedback and let me know how you liked it :) ]
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