je ne serai jamais être assez.

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the stars' hearts broke as they watched her face fall in disappointment.

"where is the moon?" she asked.

they couldn't answer her. or maybe they didn't want to, for they knew that when they did, she'd abandon them.

"you're not very impressive," she commented, "i think i prefer how i envsioned you."

the stars agreed.

they wished that they never came out in the first place. they wished that they could've shined brighter for her, like the sun or the moon. they longed for her to watch them and smile.

why couldn't they be like the moon?

they didn't know that they were too far away for her to see. they were so far away that even they couldn't see their beauty.

all they knew, was that they'd never be enough.

anhedonia (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now