|Chapter 4|

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|Chapter 4|

            Stiles was led back to his room by Melissa. When the nurses pounded Scott's mother with questions, she simply replied, "He just needed some fresh air." Thank God that she didn't say 'Stiles tried to kill me on the roof'. That probably would have been pretty bad.

            Once Stiles was situated back in bed, he felt relieved in some ways. He was glad to be laying down since his body was still hurting, especially from going onto the roof and attempting murder. Then again, he wished he was back in his own bed and own house with his dad and friends where everything would be perfectly normal, or as normal as it could be in Beacon Hills, that is.            

            Melissa and Stiles's eyes met, and his throat suddenly felt like it was closing up. He couldn't say anything. He didn't want to. He wouldn't know what he would say, anyways. Instead, Melissa talked for him.

            "Get some rest, honey," Melissa told him, "I'll be right outside if you need me." Then, she rubbed his arm for a second before standing up to flick off the light switch. Before she did, however, Stiles was finally able to clear his throat to say something.

            "What if...what if I hurt someone again? What if I kill them?" He whispers to her, eyes watering. Melissa shakes her head.

            "You won't hurt anyone, Stiles, you never have," She promised. "That wasn't you up there. I know my Stiles, and he wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was to protect his friends and family. Trust me, you won't. Please try to get some sleep."

            Stiles nodded slightly as she flicked off the light, then left his room. After she left, he adjusted himself to try and get comfy. Still, he felt himself scared to close his eyes. Scared that something would happen. His sleepiness was what took over in the end.

            Two days later, Stiles was released from the hospital. The doctor had told him to lay low for awhile, just relaxing in bed, which meant no school or moving, pretty much. Honestly, although Stiles did get tired of school, he knew how much he was missing, and just wished he could go back so he could try and catch up. He was probably at least a few weeks behind. At this rate, he might not even be in the same year as his friends!

            "Do you want to pick up some burgers and fries on the way home?" His father questioned, turning the key to start the engine in the cruiser. Stiles rolled his eyes at his father as he buckled his seatbelt.

            "Dad, you're supposed to be on a diet," He reminded his father, "No burgers or fries for you! Although, maybe I'll make an exception for a burger. As long as they're turkey burgers." He smirked.

            Sheriff Stilinski grunted, "Those things shouldn't even be able to call themselves burgers. Disgraceful." They swung by to get some anyways. Stiles was surprised how much he missed the juicy goodness of the burger and curly amazingness of the fries.

            Hyped up on pain meds, Stiles bandage wrapped stomach was only an ache. After they got their food and ate it, it was around seven thirty. For some reason, Stiles was super tired. Maybe it was the fact he hadn't been sleeping very well, if hardly at all. He was scared to sleep, scared to close his eyes in fear that the nogitsune would come back. Scared that the nogitsune never left, and was just waiting for him.

            "You okay, son?" His Dad questioned, sending a quick glance to the passenger's seat. Stiles realized just then that he hadn't been talking for a long time, something that was extremely rare for him.

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