Chapter 15 - Akane Beach

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"Ah, there's nothing like lounging on the beach and drinking a fruity mocktail" I said as I sipped my mocktail while I was lounging on a lounge chair under an umbrella. "Yep" Rogue replied, sipping his own mocktail from his own lounge chair beside me. "What's taking those girls so long?" Lector asked from his seat next to Frosch at the foot of our lounges.

"Big Brother! Big Brother Rogue!" I heard Lucy happily call out. We turned our heads to see her running up to us with Minerva and Yukino walking behind her. She was wearing a cute pink one piece with a ruffle tutu swimsuit and a pink swimming tube sitting around her waist. 'She looks so cute' I thought and then I looked up at Yukino's bikini. She was wearing an ocean blue bikini with ruffles on her straps and around the waist. I could feel a slight blush form on my cheeks. 'It's even better than my dreams' I thought.

"Big Brother, I wanna go swimming" Lucy said, snapping me out of my staring. She grabbed my hand and pulled. I put my drink on the table before letting her pull me off the lounge and towards the ocean. "You guys coming?" I called out from over my shoulder. I saw Rogue, Yukino and Minerva follow after me. Lector and Frosch sat on the lounge chairs looking after our stuff and spot.

When we got closer to the waves, Lucy let go of my hand and ran towards the retreating wave before running away from another wave coming towards her. I chuckled, remembering when I used to do that when I was younger. With the ocean being dangerous, I knew I needed to set some rules for Lucy to keep her safe. I kneeled in front of her and gained her attention. "Lucy, when we're swimming, I need you to not to swim too far. Do you understand?" I said. "Aye!" she replied and I gave her a smile. "Good" I said as I picked her up and carried her into the water.

"The water feels amazing! Rufus and Orga are so missing out" I said as I put Lucy in the water. She happily kicked her legs, splashing everything around her as she swam. "We bumped into them when we were passing the bar and they said they will join us later" Minvera replied. "Alright, until they come we should play a game of... Splash attack!" I shouted as I splashed Rogue. His tied up hair was now all soaked and stuck to his face. "You're so gonna get it" he chuckled and splashed me back. Now my hair was like a soaked mop. We laughed and continued our water battle.

Later we decided to play a few rounds of chicken, Yukino and I were a team while Rogue and Minerva teamed up. Rogue and Minerva were winning every round but I would not give up until Yukino and I had a win. After twenty rounds, we finally won. "Lucy did you see that?" I asked happily but I couldn't see her anywhere near up. "Lucy?!" I called out before Yukino hopped off my shoulders. "Where could she have swim off too?" Yukino asked worriedly. "Maybe we should split up to find her?" Minerva suggested. "No need, I found her" Rogue said grimly for some reason as he pointed down the beach.

We looked at where he was pointing at and I saw her surrounded by the Blue Pegasus trio. "Hello there pretty lady" Hibiki flirted and kissed the back of her hand. 'She's too young for your flirting!' I thought. "Can I call you my little sister?" Eve asked. 'She's my little sister!' I thought. "I'm not talking to you because I think you're cute or anything" Ren said with a slight blush on his face. "That's it!" I shouted and stomped through the water to them with Rogue, Yukino and Minerva following.

"Oi Blue Pegasus Playboys!" I called out to them angrily. They all looked up and then started flirting with Yukino and Minerva. "Don't ignore me and stop flirting with our ladies!" I shouted. "Big Brother do you know the three funny men?" Lucy asked. I picked her up, out of the tube, and sat her on my side. "Sadly yes" I replied as I looped the tube through my other arm and over my shoulder. Then I noticed Rogue had his back facing us and was looking a bit paranoid. "Are you ok there Rogue?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder. "AH!" Rogue exclaimed as he whipped his head towards me only to sigh in relief when he saw it was me.

"What's wrong man?" I asked. He softened his voice into a whisper. "If those three are here then Ichiya is his swimsuit" he whispered. Now I understood why he's a bit jittery. After a certain incident with Ichiya happened while we were searching for Frosch, Rogue had nightmares for days. With the possibility of Ichiya swimming here, Rogue won't be able to calm down. "How about we go back to the hotel? I think we've had enough swimming for one day" I said and Rogue nodded. The sooner we are out of the water, the sooner we get away from those Blue Pegasus Playboys and Ichiya. "Girls we're leaving" I called out to the annoyed girls. They happily left the Blue Pegasus trio and we walked out of the water. Minerva looked like she was ready to punch them if I didn't step in.

We walked back to our spot and I saw Orga and Rufus relaxing on the lounge chairs. "Did you have fun?" Lector asked, "we did until Blue Pegasus came" I replied as I grabbed our stuff. "What did they do?" Orga asked, "I'll tell you later" I replied. After gathering our stuff, we left the beach to our hotel room.

When we arrived in the girl's hotel room, I sat Lucy on the bed before walking into our bathroom and filling the bathtub. "Lucy come here and have a nice warm bath to wash off the sea water" I said as I turned off the water. She came running into the bathroom with Yukino and Minerva. I left the room to leave the girls to bathe.

We were staying in three rooms during our stay here. The girls are sharing a room while the boys split the other two rooms. As the twin Dragon Slayers, we obviously shared a room together with Lector and Frosch while Orga and Rufus shared the other room.

After we showered and got changed, we went to a restaurant to go grab some lunch. Hopefully we won't bump into those Blue Pegasus Playboys again.

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