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The scene opens up and you can see a little building with a bloody bear face and a sign that says FAZBEAR'S FRIGHT.

Denki: oh! Cool this is FNAF!

Iida: what's that?

C: it's a scary game where you are a security guard and you work till 6 in the morning and there are animatronics trying to kill you~

Sho: HUH?!

Izu: oh God...

they all turn their attention back to the screen worried for their green hair friend

it starts to thunder as you can hear creepy music playing in the background it changes to where you can see izuku in a security outfit looking at a TV screen, he blinks still looking at the TV, it shows TV, screen and you can see a spring-trap bakugou, his eyes are glowing while he is looking through the camera

Kirishima: OMG Bakubro
That's creepy

Mineta: pisses self*

C: how you get ba- nevermind just pay attention

The TV screen changes to show an empty room it seems out to view izuku repeatedly tapping the screen he's clicking a "play audio" button it was making little kid noises the TV blew out, it showed izuku again with a very funny upset look on his face

Uraraka: hehe that face tho

Izu: I look funny hehe~

Sho: to cute' he thought

He pushes himself over to the other side of the counter, feet going through the air then he pops up and punches a computer and it opens making a beeping noise "hmm...well shit" The view pans over to show the laptop screen flashing error on it it goes back to izuku to show him a little more funny frustrated you can hear bakugou talking in the distance " security guard where are you?!" Izuku gives a worried look " you ain't touching my buns... hun" he roles himself over back to the other side of the counter

Jirou: so is this another funny world?

C: yeah I'm not ready for the depressing s*** so enjoy it!

He goes back to the TV about to click when he looks to the side " oh god dammit" the screen shows bakugou standing in the window looking torn down and decayed " when I'm done with you your face will look like mashed potatoes" it shows izuku about to press the screen " yeah whatever man" he pushes it and a faint hello can be heard. The view goes back to bakugou looking more calm and collected " okay I'm going to go find that child" he becomes more mad and punches the glass" but then I'm going to kill you" bakugou then runs off " okay happy travels HUGHUG" izuku then goes back to the TV screen "okay let's see here" bakugou comes back and things on the glass "NYEAH" izuku falls out of his chair

A couple of people from the crowd had jumped from this sudden action

Sero: God that scared me!

Uraraka: me too but just a little bit

C: wimps

they all turned their attention back to the screen

"There wan no child in there!" Bakugou looks even more angry " double check" izuku presses the button again the child can be heard " I know you're messing with me where's that child? WHERE ARE YOU HIDING IT?!" Bakugou bangs on the glass again more furious " DOOD! I don't know just um...uh... Freddy's behind you..." and it shows bakugou and denki in the  background looking broken and decayed like bakugou

Denki: oh hey that's me!

Izu: that's a really creepy look though..

Sato: yeah no one likes

C: oh hush upset sato you're just a jealous Bean!


Bakugou looks behind him "Freddy?" "Hello :D" bakugou looks annoyed already "hello Freddy" The view goes to izuku "hi Freddy!" Izuku says waving " hi security guy!" Denki says happy see him the view goes from the window to a hallway " Freddy don't talk to this guy he's an asshole!" Bakugou says while pointing to izuku denki jumps back "AHH PROFANITY!" "Freddy... he's hiding a child somewhere and won't tell me where" bakugou says clearly more annoyed than before " do you know what that means?"

Denki sits there a minute thinking ' da fuk you talkin' bout' he thought bakugou looking annoyed again "we can't throw a birthday party Freddy" denki jumps back again more upset "NO!" Bakugou looks relieved "YES, we need to find him Freddy he wants birthday cake" denki raises his hand in salute " I'll do my best ma'am" denki runs off to go find a child bakugou looks Disturbed "stop reading fanfics they're confusing you! (hehe)" he yells out to denki

bakugou looks back to izuku " I'm starting to think there is no child" it shows izuku constantly tapping the screen the "you just got to look harder man" bakugou gets more aggressive " that's it fucker I'm coming in there!" Bakugou runs off to the side izuku presses the button making a derp face bakugou comes back and runs in the opposite direction "but first i'm going to do one final check to make sure that child doesn't exist" izuku pushes the screen away and scoffs " this job is a total joke" he looks at his hand and then at the door he jumps, scared " WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" It then shows todoroki with an eye patch "hello" he then runs towards izuku screaming, izuku screams very loud and girlishly

Sho: oh my God I look horrifying

Izu: hugs tight* thats scary!


It shows bakugou and you can hear izuku in the distance bakugou looks happy " oh this is my chance to catch him by surprise" bakugou runs towards izuku he runs through the door " Have at me!" Izuku is on the ground with a crowbar and hits him in the knees with it " AH my fucking knees"  he goes into a ball "get crowbarred bItCh,thanks for the crowbar Foxy" bakugou looks shocked " Foxy! What the fuck?!" It shows todoroki " I don't know I'm bored" izuku goes down to bakugou and has a really derpy face " hey spring-trap" "WHAT?!" "do you hear that?" A bell can be heard ringing and 6 a.m. flashing across the screen " oh go fuck yourself"

The screen turns black

C: so what did you guys think?

Everyone: IT WAS GREAT!!

Denki: okay so my name was Freddy, todoroki foxy, and bakugou was spring-trap?

C: pretty much

Bakugou: damn I've got a lame name

Kirishima: you could be Bonnie?
(I was putting his name and it auto corrected it to Heroshima, accurate 🤣)

Bakugou: spring-trap it is...

C: ready for the next one?

Everyone: YEAH

C: here we go!...

(Edit: HEY BROS THERE WERE LOYS OF ERRORS SO I EDITED IT probably thinking what I'm doing up so early, on mAh way to FLORIDA bye~)

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