She's a Girl

19 2 4

◉ Dedication ◉

This poem is dedicated to all those girls who still live in places that support males as superior than females, places where girls are married at a very age and are expected to cook and clean the households. 

Be grateful for the opportunities and support you are given by your community for being a girl and allowing you to follow your dreams. Be grateful for the society not being opposed and judgemental for something you want to do that is a 'male' job. 

◉ Poem ◉

There once stood a girl

having the hopes to 

become a soccer star.

But she couldn't

Because boys wanted

kitchen skills and beauty

not sports and athletics

and sports is for boys not girls

"What will our nieghbours

say when they see you wasting

time and playing sports?

Get inside and help me"

The cruel society repressed

her as a person. Why?

Because she's a girl

and girls aren't athletic.

The world crushed her dreams,

Her family destroyed her 

self-worth and self-esteem

and discouraged her to play.

But she didn't give up

Because the she believed she could

and that girl is still

fighting today.

Because she didn't care 

what they said and tell her,

she didn't care if

she's a girl

All because she believed, 

She believed she could 

and she did because 



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