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Hey guys! This I'd my first fic!!! Pls no flame..m dont like dont read.... I just needed to see my little babes get 2gether Alabama

Qing enjoy ba!!

It was a normal 天 at california大学. Li you had just finishing 上ing her 课 for the day when she saw a certain black haired $TUD!!!

Gasp!!! Tian a!!! It was WANG PENG (a/n get it.. wang... haha ..) he strode over walking with a astride


a/n 我should continue吗?????

Li you swooned... but caught herself on a nearby air particle. She blushed her cheeks clblushing and murmured with a blush.mm
"你好。。did u also finish 上ing your 课 for the day??"

Wang speng replied with smoldering vowels... "finish了。。 but I cant 去 my 宿舍 bc gao wen zhong put a sock on the 门口." (A/n naughty naughty o₩o)

Liyou gasped... gao wen zhong is with 谁!?

Wang Peng sobbed .... with 常老师!!!! (A/n they do this 常常 teehee.. poor wang peng)
请ask... 可以go to YOURE 宿舍?

Li you 的 time stop了。 it was a 大mess!!! But it was also a chance for her and wang peng to get to the next level!! (A/n I'm not talking Mario here teehee)

She muttered and stuttered with a whisper 可以。。。。

Wang peng eyes lit up !! 鞋👞li you !!! Ur the best ! 我们一起去吧!

The entire way to the dorm they 走了ed. Whenever they're hand s would brush accidentally wang peng would SPRING 2 meters away and scream 对不起!!!! LI YOU LAFFED 都可以.. U CAN touche mr however u want (a/n omg li you Tian a!1!1!

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